How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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    Jennah: *Shakes her head at Seph* They rarely ever manage to crash into the island. They do not come in search of the animals here. However, those who do manage to get here usually start creating havoc rather quickly, Seph. *Stands up* Do not worry yourself about their motives and whatnot. Just know what they do and keep an eye out for signs of their activities.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *frowns* I’ll be sure to do that… but I didn’t see any people when I was out on the island. Is that a bad thing, or a good thing? *frowns further* Should I have have gone looking for them? *moves to stand up* What if there are people like that on the island right now?


    Jennah: *Shakes her head and turns to face Sephiroth once more. She plants her hands on his shoulders and tries to push him back down to his bed* There are no humans other than the two of us present at the moment, Seph. Trust me, either Centra would notice them or my magic spells would give me indications of there being creatures who do not belong on this island. *Frowns* Anyway, it is more likely that Vixen or Virgo would step on this island than poachers.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *frowns as he’s pushed back down onto the bed* Right, and I’ll keep far away from them… *sighs and sits back down again* Well, what am I supposed to do then, if your magic spells are in place and Centra’s busy keeping out intruders? That already half-ruins the idea that a guard is needed.


    Jennah: *Sighs back at Seph* You still have pleanty of time to grow up and gain the skills needed to guard this island and help me out in that way, Seph. For now, just get some sleep. Tomorrow, we can go visit your world, ok? *gives him a small grin then walks out of the doorway. She strolls over to her bed and lies down on it* ~If you want company after being alone for so long, you can sleep with me.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”I think I will do that. Give me one moment.”* *He gets changed into suitable clothes for sleeping, then heads into the bathroom to clean his teeth and prepare for bed. He spends a few moments combing his hair with his fingers, then walks back into his bedroom to pick up Cairo, carrying her out into Jenna’s sleeping area. He jumps onto the bed and lies down next to the woman and snuggles up against her, setting his cat down on the other side of him* Much better.


    Jennah: *chuckles* My, a family meeting, hm? *grins at him, though part of her is still surprised that she’d ever say the word “family”. She reaches over to hug Sephers then pats his side* Now, get some sleep. If we do go back to your world tomorrow, it will be a big day. *makes a dramatic yawn in order to prompt Sephers into getting tired enough to sleep then closes her eyes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *rolls his eyes as he hears Jennah’s yawn and grins, deciding to compliment her dramatic yawn by raising a hand up to his mouth and making a fake flatulent noise by blowing onto the palm of his hand* *”Every day’s a big day.”*


    Jenna: *cracks open her eye. She shakes her head at the boy’s antics and sighs* I don’t see why anyone finds those sort of sounds humorous. All they are are patheticly loud and crude noises. *lifts her hand to rest it ontop of the side of his head so that she can massage his scalp* Now, go to sleep, little man.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *closes his eyes and grins* Maybe you don’t have a sense of humor. I seriously don’t know why you don’t find flatulence funny. *grins further* About the only time it isn’t funny is when a carnivore does it and clears out an entire room because of the horrid smell. *grins and snuggles up against her stomach* Night, mother.


    Jennah: *Softly mumbles* I have a sense of humor, but crude noises are not humorous. *sighs and snuggles up against Seph in return* Good night, Seph. Sleep well. *continues to massage his scalp and remains awake for several hours after Sephy falls asleep. Eventually, she decides to get some rest as well and closes her eyes. She remains asleep until about mid-morning, which about the normal time she wakes up. She releases a deep sigh as she stirs and slowly flutters her eyes open. Then, she looks down at Seph and nudges his shoulder* Hey, time to get up.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *sleeps like a rock due to the fact he is quite comfortable and safe. He remains sleeping for several hours, and doesn’t initially wake as he is nudged. He makes a soft groaning noise after a few minutes* No…

    Cairo: *got bored of sleeping hours ago and is currently entertaining herself by catching mice near the stairs*


    Jennah: *shakes her head* Fine then, little brat boy. *grins then stands up. She walks into the bathroom and grabs a cup before filling it up with ice-cold water. Once that is done, she carries the cup back over to the bed then dumps it on Seph’s head* Wake up.

    The containment spell that Jennah had set up to protect the kitten earlier is still in effect, but it has been broadened. Now, the cat can move up and down the main staircase, but she can’t go into any of the other rooms that branch off it. Also, the kitten can now move into the bathing room.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *loudly yelps as the ice cold water is splashed on his face and he jerks up to a sitting position* Ack!! *quickly rubs his face and glares up at Jennah* That wasn’t very nice, mother! How could you do such a thing? I was going to get up… *snorts and stands up, heading into his bedroom so he can change out of his wet pyjamas and into clothing for the day*


    Jennah: *softly chuckles at Sephiroth* Sure you were, Seph. That would be why you were dead as a rock, hm? *grins and walks over to Cairo. She bends down so that she can pat the kitten’s back* And how are you doing, little cat? *glances over at the dead mice and frowns* I’m going to have to cast anti-rodent spells again…

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: I would have woken up if you had just given me five more minutes… *grumbles to himself, then frowns as he stands on a mouse head* Yuck!!

    Cairo: *clamps her jaws hard around the mouse in her teeth, not wanting Jennah to steal it. When the female moves away from her again, she resumes purring and sits on the floor to eat, leaving the head behind as she’s too small to eat through the skull yet. There are quite a few other mouse heads bitten off just below the neck around the floor area*


    Jennah: *sighs at the sight of all the mice heads* Well, your cat has definitely been busy throughout the evening, Seph. You have quite the mess to clean up. *looks up at the ceiling* I’ll be back. I need to check Centra’s systems and see how so many rodents managed to fester and breed here. When I get back, we can discuss going to your home planet again. *dashes up the stairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *frowns as he watches Jennah leave* *”Easy to answer… as soon as one gets in, there are tons more. I see them eat Cairo’s cat food all the time. I didn’t think much of it though.. do I have to clean it up?”* *groans and begins to pick up the mouse heads that Cairo left behind*


    Jennah: ~Yes, please clean up the mess. You know what to do with the remains of prey. And don’t act squeamish; this is not much different from our own left-overs. You are fully prepared to handle this sort of thing.~ *walks into Centra’s main control room and begins checking up on her pest control protocols*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”Can’t we just get more cats? This one’s already doing a good job.”* *watches Cairo bound across the floor as she chases a baby rat* *”What’s Centra saying about the mice? There’s actually quite a few down here if you’re scanning and paying attention.”*


    Jennah: ~She’s saying that quite a few of them chew through a few of her wires a bit back and that’s why there’s an infestation at the moment. She’s in the process of repairing the problem, but it’ll take some time.. And I don’t know about more cats, Seph. Who will take care of all of them?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”Centra can repair the problem, but… how does that solve the mouse problem itself? There’s actually quite a few down here. They’re under the dresser and hiding around underneath things. There’s some in Cairo’s food bag as well…”*


    Jennah: *sighs and shakes her head, a bit disappointed that Seph didn’t already know how Centra took care of rodents* ~Once her programs are set, she can target the vermin and either poison them or trap them. One way or another, she can maintain the state of the base and remove all problems, including mice. But for now, she needs to conduct a few repairs in order to be able to recomence termination procedures.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”Ah, I see. Centra’s really intricate, I hope she can take care of the problem before it gets much worse. But mice usually come because of food, or heat… There’s heat down here, but no food unless you count Cairo’s cat buscuits.”* *heads into his bedroom, deeply frowning as he finds the bag chewed through, and the cat food littered with mouse droppings* *”Mother? You’re going to need to buy another bag of cat food…”*


    Jennah: ~Do not worry yourself about that one, Seph. I bought several bags of food for the kitten when I got her for you. I have several more in a storeroom.~ *Sends Seph a telepathic message indicating where the items for Cairo are located, which is a room about four levels up from Jennah’s quarters and a bit to the west* ~You’ll find toys for her in there as well.~

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