How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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  • #12464
    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: I think that one’s a given, mother. *carries Cairo back to his bedroom so he can finish drying off, as well as change into some clothes* *”Still, I want to do something interesting and worthwhile with myself. There’s lots of things to, but some of the things I mentioned to you just got called unsatisfactory.”*


    Jennah: *sighs at Seph’s comments, but does not respond at first. Instead, she finishes drying off then she throws on a robe. Once she is covered by the robe, she walks to Seph’s room and looks over at him* It’s not that. I just don’t want you to think that you couldn’t possibly do better than what you are shooting for at the moment, Seph. You do realize that I am much more than just a hunter, right?

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *looks up at Jennah for a moment, then nods his head* Yeah. You own land. And a property on that land. You’re a queen, you rule over Halcyon. You’re also a fighter, a hunter, a collector, and a builder. You also build robots and stuff…


    Jennah: *very faintly blushes at all that Seph mentions and quickly shakes her head* No, Seph. I do not own this land nor am I a queen.. It may look that way because there is no one else around to oppose me, but if they were still alive, I would be the furthest thing from a ruler to them. *kneels down to Seph’s level* I use the land, but I do not own it, understand?

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: You may as well own it. Nobody else is gonna claim it. Until the humans find it at least. You better stay and hope they don’t find it either, because the island is a little quarrantined piece of ecosystem seperated from the rest of the world. If the humans find it, they’ll kill the animals, mine it and waste it.


    Jennah: Well, yes, I protect it and care for it in the ways that are needed to keep it safe for humans. However, land is not to be owned, Seph. Unless you can claim that you are Earth itself, you can never stake claim to a piece of it. But, you can take care of what is given to you while you are alive. *sits down on Sephy’s bed* Do you understand?

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: Um, you’re saying that I can take care of the land, but not own it. *frowns* I don’t get that at all. If this land isn’t yours, how can you, or Centra, or any of the other inhabitants of the island dare to claim it? Male dragons also mark out a territory that is theirs. So no, I don’t understand it at all.


    Jennah: *sighs at Seph* You’ll understand one day. But as I said, land can never be truely owned. One day, you may need to leave that land, and then you’ll find another land to live on. One land is as good as the other given that it can give you food and safety. You can claim it for a time, but in the end, it is never truly yours.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: That’s actually true with anything then… *frowns* The dinosaur wasn’t mine. He was in my care, and he hunted with me for a period of time. The seeds of chaos sewed his lifeforce, and he was born. He was mine for a period of time, and then his life departed and returned to the great beyond from which it came. *frowns, then lowers his head looking a little sad for a moment* The same will happen to me. So, the land is like that?


    Jenna: *slowly nods at Sephiroth* In time, planets die as well. *deeply frowns* Infact, I am an avatar of a creature that was designed to end the lives of planets.. *Shakes her head* But that is not something for you to worry about. I do not need to follow the path that the chaos powers had originally intended for that creature. As a mortal, I have my own choices that I can make.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: How about I just take care of Halcyon then? I can do that much right? I like the inhabitants of this island, I’d like to protect them from outside problems. *pauses* I’ve another question for you, mother. Can we go back to the planet we came from soon? I want to know what Hojo and his lackeys are doing now I’m gone.


    Jennah: *blinks in confusion then slowly nods* Yes, if that is what you want, I can take you back to your homeworld for a bit. That is, if that is what you want. *shrugs* I do assume that you mean that you want to visit and not go back and live there, right? As for taking care of Halcyon… *gives him a small grin* That’s a pretty big task. Do you think you’d be ready for it?

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: I just want to go back and see what they’re doing. And perhaps kill Hojo so he can’t make any more experiments. If he’s got another one, perhaps I can have a sister, or a brother. *shrugs* I don’t know…. *looks up at her and smirks* Of course I want to guard the island. It’s a bit big, but I think when I get bigger, I can do it.


    Jennah: *blinks at Seph then coughs* Well… I don’t know. I don’t know if I can handle more like you running around here. You’re enough of a handful as it is, Seph. *grins at him* Anyway, if there is another, what will stop Hojo from just making more? *sighs* Still, I’ll take you there so that you can see. But I don’t think that we’d be allowed to kill Hojo at this point in time. His involvement in that Planet’s government and fate is too poignant.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *frowns* Like I said, we can just kill him. *shrugs* Why can’t we? There’s no rules that says we can’t kill Hojo. Are there? *watches her for a few moments* Why can’t we go there and steal whatever new project he made?


    Jennah: *Sighs at Sephiroth* I bent several rules to bring you here with me, Sephiroth. If not for the fact that I was caught and screwed up everything in your world’s flow of fate and destiny, I probably would not have even been allowed to take you with me… *shakes her head* I just don’t want to risk damaging that world even more. *sighs* We’ll go there and see how things are. If there is a chance that we can take any new project that Hojo has, given that it is a child, then we’ll take it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *grins at her* Thank you mother. I’ll look after it, whatever it is, so you will not need to. *pauses, curious* What do you mean, you screwed up everything in my world’s flow of fate? What was supposed to happen if you didn’t go in and take me away?


    Jennah: *releases a deep sigh* Remember that game, Final Fantasy whatever? The one that you keep on complaining “that is not me”. Well… If I had not taken you with me, your fate and destiny would have been nearly exactly the same as what that game portrayed. You would have become a pawn to ShinRa, lied to all your life. Eventually, you would loose it as soon as you find a slither of what looks like probable truth and they foretold great anger and destruction. But in that destruction and death, there’d be a chance for renewal…

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *slowly shakes his head* Perhaps we can go back and ensure that happens anyway? *pauses, frowning. Then he quickly shakes his head* Perhaps not… I don’t want to be like the Seph in the game I have. I don’t want to meet that Jenova woman or suffer. No, let’s just go back, kill Hojo, and steal his next experiment.


    Jennah: *blinks at Seph’s request* Huh? Can’t we wait until morning? It’s late and you just got home, Seph. Don’t you want a day to rest after the ordeal you had outside before running off on another adventure?

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: Yeah I suppose I do. It will be nice to sleep in my bed again. I won’t take it for granted any more. Living out there is a hard life, but somebody needs to protect the animals out there. *pauses and glances up at Jennah* Did you ever kill any humans who stepped onto the island, mother?


    Jennah: *frowns, not wanting to respond to Sephiroth at first. However, she eventually speaks in a soft tone* Most, I allowed to be killed by the predators that reside on this land. However, if there were poachers who managed to survive long enough to start killing, I’d end their killing spree by erradicating them. There were other cases where I have killed humans, though. But, that is a story for another time, Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *frowns* You killed humans who got onto the island, then? *seems quite confused* By predator, you mean guys like tyrannosaurus rex, right? Why would you want to kill one of those? They have a place on the island as well, but… *frowns*


    Jennah: No, Seph. I didn’t mean that. I said I killed poachers. They are a group who go about looking for rare animals that will make them a lot of money. However, unlike us, they kill for sport and only take certain parts of the kills with them in order to sell. They are selfish beings who lay waste to entire species. That is why on the human parts of the planet, there are several animals that are going extinct. *reaches over to pat Seph’s head* Do you understand now?

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: Oh, right… those kinds of people come to the island though? *blinks, confused* That’s not very good of them… I understand it, but – I don’t understand why poachers would do something like that. It’s not fair on the animals at all. They didn’t do anything.

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