How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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  • #12139
    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *once picked up, he clings onto Jennah’s clothing, resting his head down on her chest, seeming to be placidated by the sound of her heartbeat. Once comfortable, he turns his attention back down to Sephiroth, sighing* *”I want to play.”*

    Sephiroth: *nods his head, grinning at Jennah’s reaction. He leaves the clothing with her, then moves away again to seek out other clothing for Ramiel* *”How are you going to pay for this stuff, mother?”*


    Jennah: *Faintly smirks at Seph’s question* ~You know how I do things, Seph. Why pay when humans don’t pay enough attention to their surroundings?~ *sends the clothing that Seph left with her into sub-space then walks in the direction where Sephers went* This isn’t a play area, Ramiel. You’d only get hurt if you played. When we get back home, you can play all you want.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just continues to choose out tough durable clothing, making a nice pile on the ground next to him by now. He tries to pick most of it up again, frowning back at Jennah* How much is too much, mother? I want him to have enough clothes, but… *scratches his head in thuoght*

    Ramiel: *”How I get hurt? Look safe…”*


    Jenna: *chuckles at Seph’s question and moves to set down Ramiel next to the clothing* Be careful of the metal that the clothing is hanging on, boy. ~As long as you don’t pick out clothing that would not fit you, go for the moon, Seph.~ *glances at the clothing and sends it to sub-space as well*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I don’t think there are enough clothes in this shop to ‘go for the moon’, mother.”* *glances back at the pile as it dissapears, then looks up at Jennah again* *”That’s enough I think.”* *heads towards the bigger clothing so he can choose out some new clothing for himself*

    Ramiel: *crouches down next to the clothing once set down on the floor, then tries to hide in the nearest rack of clothes*


    Jennah: *shakes her head at Ramiel and kneels down next to the clothing rack that he’s hiding in* Don’t make a mess, boy. The humans around here will not be happy with us if you leave behind a huge mess. *stands up then looks toward where Seph vanished* ~Having much luck there? Do you need to try on your clothing?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”No, I don’t think so, mother. I think I know how to pick it. I’m already trying on some of it anyway.”* *if Jennah finds the boy again, he would be standing next to a rack of clothing, shirtless, testing the sizes of some of the shirts by laying them across his chest, testing others by actually placing them on* Some of these seem flimsy…

    Ramiel: *peeks out at Jennah from behind the clothing, then playfully reaches out to poke at her nose, giving her the faintest hint of a grin*


    Jennah: *Sighs as she looks in Seph’s direction, just barely seeing a hint of his movements from her position* ~Very well, Seph. Bring whatever ones you approve of to my location when you’re done. I know that I can trust you.~ *looks down at Ramiel and shakes her head* Are you having fun in there?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I can do that, mother. As it is, I’m nearly done here anyway.”* *teleports several shirts to Jennah’s feet, then heads back towards her* Are we going home after this? I should check up on Cairo soon. She’s been home alone all this time and well… yeah. Then again, she’s probably just as likely to be half asleep.

    Ramiel: *shuffles back into the hanging clothes, pressing his back up against the rack display bar* *”Yes!”*


    Jennah: *shakes her head at Seph* ~Cairo is perfectly fine, Seph. She’s only been alone for a few hours at most. She can’t get into any of the rooms that will hurt her, so she’s most likely on your bed, sleeping.~ *glances down at the pile of clothing then teleports it into sub-space as well* Good job, Seph. Please, gather your brother so we can leave. *nods toward the clothing rack that Ramiel is hiding in*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tilts his head, then moves into the clothing rack, broadly grinning* Oh, right. I’ll get him for you, mother. *playfully tackling Ramiel to the ground, causing the boy to bang his head on the ground* Whoops…

    Ramiel: *makes an alarmed sound as Sephy tackles him, howling with pain and fright after he bangs his head on the ground. Afterwards he begins his loud wailing cry all over again, tears leaking from his eyes*


    Jennah: *groans and burries her face into her left palm* Seph… *Shakes her head then kneels down next to Ramiel. She soon scoops the boy up into her arms and pats his back* Let’s just get out of here and head home. *looks over Ramiel’s head as she begins to walk out of the store* It’s alright, little one. You’re not seriously hurt. Settle down.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *hugs onto Jennah, continuing to cry into her shoulder, and more than likely next right to her ear as well. He hugs onto her arm and tightly clings onto it, seeming to calm down again after a few minutes, being soothed by having his back patted* Mmm…

    Sephiroth: I didn’t mean to do it! I was just going to tackle him to the floor, that’s all. I didn’t want him to hurt himself… *sighs and follows Jennah out of the store* I’m sorry.


    Jennah: *Sighs and looks down at Sephers. She then moves her hand from Ramiel’s back and sets it down on the top of Seph’s head. She affectionately rubs the top of her elder son’s head and nods at him* It’s alright, Seph. All three of us need to make adjustments and things will happen. Just try to be more careful in the future. You’re a big brother now and you need to keep your little brother safe from harm. *heads into a nearby alley then begins forming a portal that will take them back to Halcyon*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *looks up at Jennah as he follows her along, looking unhappy. He quietly sighs and nods his head in agreement* Right… sorry mother. I’ll try not to do it again. Or, well… I’ll be more careful next time. I thought he would find it fun. I didn’t mean for him to hurt himself…

    Ramiel: *just keeps his attention on where they are going now, leaning against Jennah, hugging firmly onto her arm both for comfort, and to support his balance. When the portal opens, he stares ahead at it, seeming curious, and raises a hand out towards it, wanting to touch it*


    Jennah: *sighs at Seph’s wors* I already told you, my son, it’s alright. Don’t fret about it too much. *gently nudges the back of his shoulder* Now, go ahead. We want to go home now, don’t we? Standing around and saying I’m sorry all day won’t achieve that. *doesn’t even notice that Ramiel is reaching out to the portal*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head* Right, right… sorry, mother. I want to go home. *steps through the portal, thumping down ungracefully onto the ground out the other side* Ouch… *gets to his feet and dusts himself off* If you can hear me, watch out, there’s a bit of a drop this time around.

    Ramiel: *ducks his head as Sephy dissapears through the portal, then turns his head away from it, trying to bury his face in Jennah’s shoulder* No…


    Jennah: *shakes her head at Ramiel’s fears and gently hugs him. She then walks toward the portal* It’s alright, boy. We’ll be safe. You don’t need to be scared at all. *unfortunately, Seph’s voice doesn’t travel through the portal, so she doesn’t receive his warning. Luckily, Jenna manages to keep on her feet after she falls out of the portal, only receiving a rough thump onto the ground that threatens to make her loose her balance.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *looks up at Jenna as she too appears out the other side, grinning* Wow, nice balance, mother. And lucky, too – I fell flat on my face that time. *chuckles and begins to head back towards the base, moving quickly, seeming quite alert and jumpy as he travels the path back to the base*

    Ramiel: *wiggles in Jennah’s grasp once they are out the other side, wanting to get down again*


    Jennah: *smirks at Sephers* Naturally, Seph. You know I’ll always be more balanced and flexible than you and your manly structure. *winks at him then looks down at Ramiel and nods. She gently sets the boy on the ground then stands up and moves to follow beside her elder son*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to move back towards the base, walking along in a semi-stalking like posture. He doesn’t respond to Jennah at all now, and continues to prowl along, doing his best not to be seen by other predators that may be around the area*

    Ramiel: *happily squeals as he’s set down on the ground, then tries to run off after his elder brother, thumping into the end of Jennah’s proximity spell not long after he tries to run*


    Jennah: *tilts her head as she watches Ramiel’s actions and decides to change the proximity spell, making it so that the boy can move between her and Sephers. However, he wouldn’t get farther away than a few yards at best from either of them*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *sulks and rubs his head, then growls in determination and tries to run ahead again. This time he makes it as far as Sephy, then he tries to grab at the shirt on his back, wanting to pull him down onto the ground, loudly giggling*

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes as he spots a harmless lizard ahead, then sneaks on past it, keeping to the shade of the trees, stealthily moving along the ground – at least until he is grabbed from behind. He loudly yelps and tumbles down onto his back, falling onto Ramiel in the process*

    Ramiel: *giggles, at least until Sephy falls onto him. He makes a loud startled noise and begins to loudly whimper*


    Jennah: *groans and shakes her head* Please, don’t start wailing again, boy… Ramiel, settle down. There’s nothing around here that will hurt you. *glances over at Seph* ~He doesn’t look hurt or anything, right? I don’t see any reason why he’s making that whimpering noise.~ *walks over to the boys, figuring it would be best not to move past them until they are ready to move ahead again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves off Ramiel, yelping* Oh shit, sorry! *frowns, picking the boy up, wanting to know if he’s alright* Hmm.. *looks up at Jennah and shakes his head* *”Maybe he’s just easily upset. He’s a little kid. I guess they cry at everything.”* *sets Ramiel on the ground again* I was stalking, though. If you want to play tackle, do it when we’re back in the base, OK? *continues on his way*

    Ramiel: *quietly whimpers and stays behind with Jennah now*

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