How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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    Jennah: *tilts her head at Ramiel’s message then softly sighs and pats his back once more* ~Settle down, little one. The ones in white coats are far away from where we are now. They won’t be able to ever touch you again. I promise. Now, go ahead and eat. You need your strength.~ *looks over at Seph* I think Hojo treated him even worse than he treated you. You were at least fed enough that you weren’t practically skin and bones. *shakes her head* And you never had a tail… *frowns in thought* That just makes no sense at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *looks up at Jennah* Wasn’t Jenova funny looking, though? Maybe it’s because of that. *picks up some fries and begins to munch on them, then stabs a fork into some roasted carrot and sweet potato, munching on that soon afterwards* *”If so, maybe that’s why Ramiel has a tail. I wonder if I have anything weird about me. I’ve never noticed anything. Well, apart from the silver hair and weird coloured eyes.”*

    Ramiel: *lowers his head, but calms down again, nodding his head in acceptance. He reaches up to timidly poke at the fish on the plate, then he reaches out to break some off and begins to eat it, soon leaning over the table to eat it faster, not bothering to chew some of the pieces he takes*


    Jennah: *thinks for a bit then shakes her head* Yes, Jenova was indeed weird, but even that thing didn’t have a tail.. In fact, I’d almost say that his tail looks slightly draconic. Hojo must have horribly contaminated whatever he was working on. *deeply frowns in thought and looks at Seph* There’s probably things about your body that we haven’t discovered yet, Seph… *glances to the side* When we get home, do you want to try seeing if we can find those things just so you won’t ever be caught off-guard?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stops eating his meal and stops chewing also, then stares at her, pulling a very expressive face of protest* *”Mother, haven’t we done all that already!? I don’t want to go through something like that…”* *whimpers, swallowing his mouthful of food* No, I don’t want to do it. I’m fine, mom, really, I am…

    Ramiel: *makes a slight coughing noise as he eats his food too fast*


    Jenna: *moves her hand over to gently pat Ramiel’s back, trying to help him recover from his near-choking. She then glances over at him and shakes her head* ~Slow down a bit. Your freedom won’t mean much if you die by choking on food the first day.~ *turns her attention to Seph and shakes her head* No, Seph, we haven’t really done anything like that at all. *sighs at him* Would you really rather just run into problems that you don’t understand on your own, or do you want me present to at least help you right away if needed?

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *”Sorry…”* *whimpers slightly as Jennah pats his back, at least until he works out she’s not actually trying to hit him. He continues to cough and soon calms down again, then leans over the table and tries to grab at Sephy’s steak, ending up grabbing a handful of roasted potato instead. He mushes it up it in his hands as he picks it up, then licks his hand, seeming pleased* I like… *turns his attention towards Jennah, openly staring at her, seeming to be debating something for now*

    Sephiroth: *rolls his eyes at Ramiel’s behaviour* *”How old is he supposed to be, again?”* *scowls and folds his arms* *”I really don’t like the idea. You’re sounding as bad as Hojo now, mother. But alright…”* *sighs in resignation, looking up at her, miserable now* *”Just try not to get mad at me when stuff doesn’t work out for you, or something happens that you don’t like. I’ll put up with your prodding and whatever…”*


    Jenna: *sighs at Seph and shakes her head* ~You should know me better than that by now. We’re just going to see what you can do and if there are things that you’ve recently developed. It’s not like I’m going to coldly prod you and stick things down your throat, Seph.~ *gives him a serious look* ~You know I care about you much more than Hojo ever did. I wouldn’t have worked so long to find a tollerable formula for those chemicals that your body requires if I didn’t care for you.~ *sighs at the thought* ~We’re going to need to start the process all over again with Ramiel, no doubt.~ *glances at the said boy and gives him a small grin* I’m glad you like your food. Are you feeling a bit better now?

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *places his potato-covered fingers in his mouth and slowly nods his head in response to Jennah’s question. He reaches out to grab at more of Sephy’s food, snatching up roasted carrot and brocolli to stuff in his mouth*

    Sephiroth: *sighs* *”I know. I’m sorry, mother. I just don’t have any fondness for experimentation any more. Not after everything that’s happened to me. You understand, right? I know you’re not going to hurt me…”* *curiously watches Ramiel, seeming amused* *”Oh, it seems he likes this food. Are you going to buy him more of it to keep him fed, or are you going to convert him to the stuff we eat regularly?”*


    Jennah: *grins then chuckles at Seph’s recent statements* ~Please tell me, Seph, when exactly did you have a fondness for experimentation? For you to not have a fondness any more, you must have had it at some time.~ *winks at him, fully knowing that the boy had only made an inproper choice with his wording then looks over at Ramiel and sighs* ~He’s going to have to get used to our food at Halcyon. That is.. unless you’ve suddenly learned how to cook. I most certainly don’t know how to make human food.~ *shakes her head* ~He’ll be able to adapt. After all, you were able to. Though it took much screamer and kicking from you at times.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I don’t know. I never liked experiments. You got me there.”* *shakes his head, amused* *”I didn’t suddenly learn how to cook like these guys around me who make the food here, but I know how to cook something. I could catch fish for Ramiel and put it over an open fire. Fruits and vegetables sometimes grow ready to eat too.”*

    Ramiel: *continues to feed until he’s had enough. Then he tries to slide down off his booster chair, wanting to wander*


    Jennah: *frowns as she notices Ramiel’s movements and quickly moves to grip onto his shoulder. She slowly shakes her head* ~No. Stay put. This is not the place for you to go exploring.~ *looks over at Seph* ~It will still be best if we try to adjust him to our habits of eating. If that completely fails, then you may practice cooking as much as you want.~ Are you ready to leave, Seph? We still need to get you and your brother new clothes.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *makes a slight protesting whimper at Jennah, then tries to push her arm away and wiggle out of his chair again* No! *points at the ground, becoming flustered*

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head* *”I’m ready to leave if you are, mother. Just leave Rammy’s feeding up to me. I think I know what to do. We can keep feeding him this stuff, and slowly wean him onto the regular stuff we eat.”* *grins* *”Its easy to switch from eating cooked fish to raw fish, to raw meat.”* *slides out of his chair* Thanks for the meal. Let’s go.


    Jennah: *groans at Ramiel’s protests but shakes her head and just picks up the boy* No, now is not the time for you to be wandering around. When we get back home, you can wander around all you want. *nods at Seph’s suggestions* ~Well, I cannot say that I can think of any better method.. So, we shall try out your suggestion and see how it goes.~ *makes certain she has a firm grip on Ramiel then looks at the table. Soon after, she casts a spell to make at least a hundred dollars in cash appear on the table before she turns to leave the restaurant* That should cover our bill. Let’s go get you two some clothes.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *eyes the money, then packs up the plates of food, sliding out of his chair so he can walk towards the door* I wouldn’t mind some new clothes. I keep hooking my shirts in trees and ripping them. *grins and moves out onto the street, waiting outside for Jennah*

    Ramiel: *makes an upset whimpering noise which slowly increases in volume, soon raising the sound into a full-blown wailing cry. He covers his eyes with his hands, continuing the loud crying noise, genuinely upset and frustrated with the fact he can’t wander and play around*


    Jennah: *groans at Ramiel’s wailing and shakes her head* Shhh.. Settle down. This is not the place for you to play around. *deeply frowns, not honestly knowing how to handle a child this young. She glances at Seph from time to time, hoping the boy would have some ideas. Eventually, she tries sending a telepathic message to the boy with what she hopes would turn out to be soothing imagery and noises. As she does this, she continues to walk down the street, looking for a department or clothing store*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *looks up at Jennah, lowering his head, looking hopeless, also not liking the crying noise. He follows the woman down the street, staring ahead, seeming a little bit annoyed* Shut up, Ramiel. You’re driving us all nuts.

    Ramiel: *just continues to whimper, wanting to get down. He seems a little calmer after receiving some of Jennah’s imagery, but is still mostly upset. He wiggles in Jennah’s arms, becoming more flustered and desperate*


    Jennah: *groans and decides to just cast a spell to mute Ramiel for a bit, not being able to stand the crying any longer. As for his wiggling, she easily puts up with it and continues to firmly hold onto him. After another few minutes, she looks up and grins as she notices a sign for a clothing store that would have a children’s section* Perfect. Come on, Seph. *moves into the store and soon enters the boys section*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sounds quite relieved as Jennah casts the mute spell on Ramiel* Thank you! Thank you, mother. That’s just so much better now. *rubs the side of his head* He was giving me a headache… *glares up at Ramiel* Stupid spoiled brat you are. That’ll teach you. *follows Jennah into the clothing store, keeping close to her side as she heads for the boys section* I hope these clothes are sturdy.

    Ramiel: *just continues to cry and yell despite the fact that he is silenced now, soon calming down as he realizes that he’s not getting anywhere. Next, he tries pleading with Jennah telepathically, pointing once more to the ground, silently whimpering, pulling a sad unhappy face*


    Jennah: *initially nods at Seph’s words then frowns at him* I hardly think you can classify this boy as spoiled. And I only ever call you a “brat” in joking, playful manners, Seph. Try to give your new brother the same respect that I give you. *mutters* You’re the one who wanted me to pick him up afterall.. *glances down at Rizon and deeply frowns. After a moment, she casts a spell to insure that he can’t get much farther than three of her own strides away from her then restores his voice. Once that is done, she sets him down on the ground* Do not make a mess.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *immediately tries to flee when placed on the ground, confused by Jennah’s proximity spell. He tries to breach the boundary of it by elbowing the air, becoming frustrated when nothing happens for him* Mmm!! *flails his limbs at the air, then soon gives up and tries to hug onto Jennahs’s legs*

    Sephiroth: Sorry, mother… *looks ashamed of himself as he begins to look through the clothing racks, pulling on some of the garments to test their strength*


    Jennah: It’s alright, Seph. I just don’t want to deal with you constantly insulting the younger boy and making him upset. We want to try to avoid having to deal with that wailing sound. *glances down at Ramiel as he hugs onto her leg and gives him a small grin* I think you’ll have to pick out clothes for Ramiel. I doubt he’d be choosy enough to make an appropriate decicion. Can you handle that, Seph?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I hear you there, mom. I don’t want to hear the wailing sound either. I’m guessing most people around here don’t, too. *glances at Ramiel, then suddenly darts away, heading for the younger boys’ area to pick out some clothing* Can do, mother!

    Ramiel: *continues to hug onto Jennah’s leg and quietly sulks to himself, telepathically expresing to her that he wants to explore the area because there are so many bright colours and interesting things to look at. When Sephy runs away, he whimpers louder, once again telepathically expressing his desires to follow*


    Jennah: ~Thank you, Seph. I truly do appreciate all the help that you give me.~ *Sighs at Ramiel* If you let go of my leg, I’ll be able to walk and thus you can move to follow Seph and me. *tries to wiggle her foot, hoping that will prompt Ramiel to let go of her leg* If you continue to do that, neither of us will go anywhere.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *whimpers at Jennah, then tries to climb up her instead, giving up a moment later, raising his arms up again, wanting her to pick him up*

    Sephiroth: *”It’s really not a bother, mother.”* **takes a few camoflague-print clothes off the racks, then smirks as he carries them back over to Jennah* See, this is just what I’m talking about, mother. It’s totally not hard to hide around home when you’re wearing stuff like this.


    Jennah: *blinks as she watches Ramiel try to scale her leg, tilting her head. She then grins and chuckles once he gives up* Alright, alright. *kneels down and scoops him up into her arms. She then gently hugs him* You like me that much already? *looks over at Seph as he brings the clothing and then nods* Yes, I can see that. Get whatever clothing you feel is necessary, my son.

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