How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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  • #12089
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Alright, mother. *seems dissapointed, but continues to look around the area, moving off ahead down the street. Soon he comes to a diner-like restaurant and stops out the front, then glances back at Jennah as if seeking her approval*


    Jennah: *looks over the restaurant then shrugs* I suppose so. It doesn’t look like it will be dripping with grease at every corner at least. *heads toward the door* Do you want to ask for the table, Seph, or should I? *opens the door and nods to indicate that Sephy should go ahead inside*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems to become nervous and shy as they approach the door, stepping back behind Jennah as if indicating with his body language that she should go first* I… well, uh.. *timidly peers into the restaurant* I don’t know anybody in there… I think you better go first.


    Jennah: *releases a soft sigh and then nods* Alright, though I would have been right behind you, Seph. It’s not like you would have been all alone. *walks into the diner then moves over to the hostess. She requests for a table for three then moves to sit down in a seat near to door as she’s told it’ll be a twenty minute wait*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *follows closely behind Jennah, timidly staring up at the waitress. When Jennah moves to sit down nearby the window, he takes a seat next to her, then shuffles around on his seat to look out the window* Are you familiar with this city, mother?

    Ramiel: *tries to get comfortable in Jennah’s arms, but begins to whimper and grumble weakly. He forces his eyes open and looks over at Sephy, meekly growling at him* Thirsty…


    Jennah: Somewhat, Seph. I can tell you that this city is prone to earthquakes, but not overly so. So, don’t go panicing at that piece of information. We will be perfectly safe. Also, they say that it’s always sunny around here, and that tends to be true. The highways tend to have about six lanes to each side, but we won’t really be driving… *shrugs* And Hollywood is here. So, I suppose if you wanted to meet what humans call celibrities, you could. *frowns at Ramiel’s words then sets him down on the seat* I’ll be right back. *she moves over to the counter and asks for a glass of water for while they wait. Not long after that, she returns to Seph and Ramiel and presses the glass against Ramiel’s lips* Here, drink.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *makes a slight coughing sound, but quickly reaches up with his hands to help hold the glass in position, then begins to drink as much of the water as he can. He would soon finish the glass off in a few moments of drinking, then loudly burps afterwards* Mmm…

    Sephiroth: Hollywood, as in that place where those fighting guys in the movies film? That sounds rather interesting, actually! *stares out the window* I don’t see much from here, though… *seems dissapointed again* I don’t care about earthquakes much, mother. The ground at Halcyon has shaken around before. It’ll be fine.


    Jennah: *faintly frowns* Seph… I think you might be thinking of the wrong area. A lot of the “Kung-Fu” movies are produced in Asia, not Hollywood. However, yes, there are a lot of production companies here, but I don’t know how much of the movies and so on are actually shot here. *shakes her head* It doesn’t matter, we are not here to sight see. *looks down at Ramiel and pats the top of his head* Good boy.

    *The hostess walks over to Jennah and informs her that their table is ready. So, Jennah gathers up Ramiel and begins walking over to a both on the other end of the diner and sits down*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *cracks his eyes open again, then sleepily yawns and tries to sit up, wanting to stretch his limbs, also feeling sluggish and overtired thanks to being asleep for so long. When he sees the hostess, he seems rather afraid of her* Mmmm… no… *tries to wiggle out of Jennah’s grasp, wanting to get away*

    Sephiroth: Oh, I’m not too worried, mother. I don’t want to stay around that long anyway, we can’t spend too long away from the house with Cairo there by herself without much food to live on. She’s always hungry you know. One day she’s going to get fat. Which is bad for a mau, because they’re supposed to be skinny anyway.


    Jennah: *frowns as she feels Ramiel wiggle about and tightens her grip* Shh. It’s alright. Nothing’s going to harm you. We’re just here to get food. You’ll be fine. *gently sets Ramiel down in the booth then frowns as she notices his lack of height. So, she quickly picks Ramiel up again, partially because she doesn’t want him running off* Miss, we need a booster seat.

    *The hostess nods at Jennah’s words and quickly hurries off. Not even two minutes later, she returns with a red booster seat and hands it to Jennah*

    Jennah: *takes the seat then sets it on the booth before putting Ramiel down in the booster seat. Once that is done, she looks at Seph and smirks* Well, you need to stop overfeeding her and giving in to her pitiful eyes. It’s not my fault that your will melts away each time she begs or looks completely innocent. *sits down on the same side that she put Ramiel on then nudges the menus toward the boys*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Tell her to stop begging then, because it damn works. Every single time. *grumbles and plucks up the menu to look through it* Can I have anything I want from this? I can already see a few things I’d like to eat. I’ve never had roasted vegetables before. It sounds interesting.

    Ramiel: *seems to calm down once he is placed in the chair. Once seated, he clumsily grabs at his menu, then holds it in his hands, biting on the top left corner of it* Mmm.


    Jennah: *frowns at Ramiel and gently removes the menu from the boy* Do you know how to read yet? If you do, you need to pick out some food. *turns her attention to Seph and shrugs* Pick out whatever food that you wish, Seph. It will be no problem at all for me to pay. *chuckles* And you just need to grow more of a backbone. Maybe we need to find a manly influence in your life, hm? *broadly smirks*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *flails his arms up at Jennah and whimpers as she takes his menu away, but quickly gives up again. He puts his arms out on the table, then rests his head down on them, looking miserable*

    Sephiroth: What? *pokes out his tongue in disgust* I don’t need a manly influence in my life, no way, mother! I’m not gay. You’re saying something like that over a small cat begging me for food? *frowns and browses through the menu*


    Jennah: *frowns at Ramiel’s actions and mutters* I’ll take that as a no… *turns her attention back to Seph as she idly moves her left hand over to gently rub Ramiel’s back* No, I didn’t say that you are homosexual. I said you lack a back-bone. *Smirks at him* Those are two different things all together. *Shakes her head* Please, order enough for the boy here as well. *nods toward Ramiel*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Huh? *glances over at Ramiel* Hey kid. Stop pouting. We’re going to get to eat something really delicious. Something that you don’t have to run after and kill yourself, or climb a tree for. On top of that, its cooked and somebody with real tastes probably made it so it’s going to taste good. Better than that crap in the laboratory. So lift your head up and eat, huh? *smirks and looks through the menu* Hmm… is it possible to order four seperate things on the same plate? Because I want some of this nice sounding creamy sauce pasta, *points to the menu* some roasted vegetables, rare steak, and fries.


    Jennah: I highly doubt that they’ll give you a single dish with bits and parts of their other dishes, Seph. *Shakes her head* Just order each order of whatever you want to try from. I can handle paying for it. *continues to massage Ramiel’s back* Though I don’t appreciate your comments on my preferred feeding material…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What? We’re in a restaurant, we don’t have to work for the food. That’s all I was saying, mother. I wasn’t saying anything bad about it. The food is pre killed, we don’t have to run after it. And… well.. *shrugs* Sometimes humans can cook food with proper taste. Like, they add salts and sauce and stuff. I’m not saying that your food doesn’t taste good. I’m just saying that this food here would probably taste good. *frowns at her* Stop thinking everything’s an insult, mom.


    Jennah: Hmm.. *Softly sighs* Alright, I’m sorry, Seph. I overreacted to your comment. *looks up at the waitress as she comes by and asks for their order. Then, she shrugs and waves in Sephiroth’s direction* I’m leaving that all up to him. Have you decided what you want to eat yet, Seph?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Sure I have. *points to the menu and grins up at the waitress* I’d like the steak with roasted vegetables, and my little brother would like the boneless fish fillet and some fries. I’d like my steak rare too, thanks. *formally bows his head, then folds up the menu, placing it back down on the tabletop*


    Jennah: *faintly scowls as the waitress asks if she’ll be having something. After a moment, she softly hisses out* No, I’ll be fine. Just get the food that we ordered so far. *snorts in irritation and continues to rub Ramiel’s back, trying to keep him content and calm* Humans can be such annoyances..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *blinks, looking up at Jennah* Why do you say that? *grins* I ordered two things. That way I can get the side orders I wanted, and Ramiel can eat some fish. It’s really boring and easy to eat, he should have fun with it. Just, uh…. *frowns* We need to tell him about the bones, if there are any. The menu said fish fillet, though. Do those have the bones in?


    Jennah: I was referring to the persistence of that woman, Seph, not anything you did. *shakes her head* You heard how she asked if I wanted anything. *Snorts* I allowed you to do the ordering, she should have taken the clue. *frowns at Seph’s question concerning the fish* I don’t know human food enough to even begin to guess, Seph..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Alright then, mother. I’ll just cross my fingers and hope for the best, I guess. *frowns and looks over at the younger boy* Hey, Ramiel? There might be bones in the food you’re going to eat. Don’t swallow them, they could get lodged in your throat and hurt you. Do you understand what I’m saying?

    Ramiel: *makes a whimper of protest and nods his head, then glances out the window, crouching down suddenly, hiding in his seat as he sees a woman walk past in a fluffy white coat, associating white coats with Hojo*


    Jenna: *releases a soft groan and droops her head into the palm of her hands* How the hell did I ever wind up adopting two boys…? *chuckles to herself and shakes her head. After a moment, she recomposes herself and looks at Ramiel* I don’t think he’s been understanding much of what we’ve said to him. Hmm… *frowns then tries a weak telepathic signal, not wanting to overwhelm Ramiel* ~Boy, settle down. You are safe with us.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I wonder how he can seem so intelligent, and yet so dumb at the same time. He’s just a little kid I know, but even I was smarter than him when I was little. *pushes the plate of fish and hot potato chips towards Ramiel* Here, eat it.

    Ramiel: *whimpers back at Jennah* *”They’re going to get me… the people in the white coats are bad… if they see me, they’re going to take me away… like it with you. Not want to go with them…”* *ignores the food placed in front of him*

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