How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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    Jennah: *frowns in thought* Hrm… cooking meat shouldn’t be that hard… Or.. *glances down at Sephiroth* Do you want to take a little trip? We can go to someplace like New York City and order him food at some restraunt there. I haven’t done such for you for quite some time… *shrugs at the thought then chuckles at how quickly Ramiel is eating* Settle down. If you eat too fast, you might make yourself sick.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t think he’s going to make himself any sicker than he already is, mother. *scratches his head* Aren’t there closer places you can just teleport food from? What kind of healthy foods do kids like to eat anyway? I liked mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, those deep fried potato sticks that people made in that coastal town, um… pasta. I’m sure if you go to a restaurant though, you could order something off the kid’s menu for him. Make sure it’s filling and healthy though, he needs some fat and muscle on him.

    Ramiel: *just finishes the apple, soon munching through the core as well*


    Jennah: *groans at Seph’s words* You’re being quite a pain in this matter, Seph. You know that? *shakes her head* With my magic, it doesn’t matter how far away the city or town we go to is. It’s a matter of seconds no matter the distance. *glances up at the ceiling* I was suggesting a large city because fewer people would care about your strange elements such as your hair and eye-color. Also, there’d be a larger selection of human food for you and your new brother to pick from.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Alright, then mother. Let’s go for it. But don’t take long, I don’t think you want to carry my brother around with me for terribly long. He looks pretty sick as it is, do you really want to carry him all over a city? *frowns* What if it’s cold? He also needs new clothing. And get him some diapers or something. *scowls* He’s practically a baby.


    Jennah: *reaches down to pick up Ramiel and frowns in thought* Yes, you’re right about that. He is basically dressed in rags… Hmm… *steps out of the room and heads downstairs* I’m going to give him a bit of your old clothing for now, Seph. Then we’ll leave to get food.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head* If you hadn’t given him a bath, he would probably smell even worse than he does now, too. *follows Jennah downstairs, wanting to say goodbye to his cat first* Make sure you give him clothes of mine that don’t fit any more. I don’t want to give him the stuff that I’m still using.

    Ramiel: *holds onto Jennah’s arm, still seeming to be overly warm and lethargic. He momentarily glances at where they’re going, then lowers his head, closing his eyes, wanting to sleep*


    Jennah: *grins and chuckles at Seph’s question* Of course we’d given him clothes that don’t fit you, Seph. If we gave him clothes that fit you as you are at the moment, they’d fall right off of him. It’d be basically pointless. *enters the bedroom then gently sets Ramiel down on her bed. Soon afterwards, she pulls out Seph’s belonging so that she can sort through his old clothes* We’ll need to get him clothes while we’re out as well. Might as well get you some new ones as well, Seph. *As she find peices that would fit Ramiel, she tosses them over to Seph* Do me a favor and put some of those on the boy.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls slightly as Jennah tosses the clothing at him* He can dress himself, can’t he? *offers the clothing to Ramiel, grinning* See, watch. He can do it. I could when I was that age, and I don’t see any reason why he can’t. *waves the clothes* Go on, buddy. You know what you’re doing.

    Ramiel: *moves to lie down as he’s set down on the bed, curling up, seeming disinterested in Seph’s encouragement*


    Jennah: *releases a tired groan and snaps out at Sephiroth* Just do it, Seph! Any idiot can see that your new brother is not in any condition to do anything. Would you enjoy me waving clothes around you while you’re sick as a dog? *Snorts in aggitation*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tenses, flinching at Jennah’s harsh tone. He immediately lowers his head submissively, then moves onto the bed, pulling Ramiel into a sitting position so he can lift his top off, and pull on the new t-shirt, whimpering slightly* Sorry, mother… *lies Ramiel down again, then pulls off his pants, placing on the new ones*

    Ramiel: *doesn’t seem to care too much as Sephy moves him around, more interested in sleeping*


    Jennah: *nods as she notices that Seph is doing what she asked of him this time* Thank you, Seph. Please try to think as if you were in the position of others who you are dealing with in the future. *stands up then moves over to the boys* Hmm… *taps Ramiel* Do you want to eat a good dinner?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m sorry, mother. If it was me, I’d be getting mad that somebody is trying to change my clothes for me. Sometimes kids want to do it for themselves, too. *sighs* Are you sure it’s a good idea to feed him something to fill him up? If he’s sick, shouldn’t you be feeding him easily digested simple food? Mashed potatoes are pretty simple.

    Ramiel: *looks up at Jennah, but doesn’t make too much of a response. He closes his eyes again, yawning*


    Jennah: *frowns at him* He’s not that type of sick.. Seph, remember how you felt when you went two weeks without taking any of your treatments? *shakes her head* His body is just as dependent on those drugs and ther substances as yours is. Maybe even more so… *frowns at Ramiel’s actions* He’s slept so much…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’d suggest for him to sleep more, but you’re right, he’s slept so much as it is already. Maybe he’s over tired? *scratches the side of his head in thought* Or maybe he has no food in him and he needs energy. That actually might be it… once Hojo starved me and all I wanted to do was absolutely nothing. Buy him something simple to eat.


    Jennah: *sighs and picks up Ramiel again* Seph, you’ve already been through the storage and only found those fruits. *shakes her head* We need to go to a human civilization to get him food. It will be quicker for all parties if he’s with us. *cradles the younger boy in her arms again then begins walking upstairs* Once he’s fed, we’ll get him clothes of his own. *looks over at Seph* You need new clothes as well.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head and sighs, soon giving into her suggestion* Alright. I suggest a supermarket thing, for buying more food to keep him well fed until he’s ready to start eating the same stuff we do. I know for a fact that when I first arrived, I would have sooner starved than eat dead raw flesh. You don’t really want him to starve. If he continues to do it for much longer, he’s probably going to die.


    Jennah: Yes, we’ll stop by a market as well. But for now, we’re going to head to some restaurant where he can be fed right away. After that, we’ll get supplies and clothing for the both of you. *glances down at Seph* Now, come here. I can’t teleport you when you’re all the way over there.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You think I need new clothes, mother? Whatever for? *blinks* I haven’t outgrown the ones I have yet, have I? *glances down at himself, frowning* I think I’m alright there.. *moves over to Jennah anyway* I hope you choose somewhere good. I’d like to go to a restaurant and eat something tasty.


    Jennah: *chuckles at Seph’s enthusiasm* Well, I’ll leave the choosing up to you. After all, you know what type of food you like and so on. I’d just as well would walk into any building. *sighs* As for your clothing, it’s all ratty and torn up, Seph. You can use some new clothes.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head* Could you buy me something durable? When I climb trees, sometimes my clothes get snagged on branches. I’d really like something streamlined and sleek, like you have. I just um, don’t want it to look as womany as your thing. I’m a boy.

    Ramiel: *begins to wiggle, wanting to get down, whimpering slightly* Thirsty…


    Jennah: *chuckles at Seph* You act as if I pick out your clothing then force it on you. *steps out of the base as she shakes her head at her elder son* You know full well that you have as much of a say in it as I do. However, we can stop by a sporting goods store and see if there’s something to your liking there. *sighs at Ramiel’s words* I know, we’ll be at a food and drink location soon. *moves closer to Seph then teleports all of them into a less traveled street in Los Angeles*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems rather disorientated as they are teleported into the new area. He shakes his head and grumbles* Sporting goods store? I’m after clothes, not a football to kick around, mother. And what about Ramiel? What kind of clothing are you intending to buy for him?


    Jennah: *sighs and shakes her head at Seph* Yes, I know you don’t want to kick around a football, Seph. Still, you might find the reinforced clothing made to protect little boys who play sports in a sporting store. They do sell clothing for that purpose after all. *looks about* Now, please, pick out a restaurant, Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scratches his head for a few moments, then grabs Jennah’s hand, trying to lead her into a fast food restaurant that sells mostly burgers and fries* How about this, mother? I’ve seen these places before, though I don’t quite remember where. I always wanted to go have a look. *frowns in thought* Is the food healthy? Do you think my brother would be able to stomach it?


    Jennah: *looks at the sign that identifies the restraunt and shakes her head* No, Seph, it is not healthy at all. Even humanity itself would admit that this food is not healthy. *sighs at him* Perhaps you should lood for a real restraunt? At least the food there isn’t dipped with fats and grease. *deeply frowns at the thought* I hardly think that even you could stomach such.

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