How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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  • #11789
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I’m doing that as we speak, mother.”* *walks to the counter and grabs some bottles of water, paying for the items he has picked up. Then he heads outside, intending to head back to the hotel* *”As long as he eats it, I’m happy. I don’t want to be just wasting my time here afterall.”*

    Ramiel: *doesn’t seem very happy as his hair is touched, but remains asleep. What’s left of his hair stays firmly on his head, though the few strands that had come out before may still be in his hair*


    Jennah: ~Yes, yes, I know that you’re doing as I asked you to do, Seph. I never doubt whether you are going to do as told or not. You’re a well behaved and good boy… And I guess that assistant was right about this boy having had a tail. One of my healing spells just made it regrow… I hope the boy doens’t panic when he finds out about it.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”What? You’re kidding me… my baby brother really does have a tail then? What does it look like? Is it prehensile?”* *heads back into the hotel and heads for their room, quietly knocking on the door, patiently waiting outside to be let in*


    Jennah: ~Yes, he has a tail.. It’s red in color and- Well, you’ll see it soon enough.~ *stands up as she hears the knocking. Walking over to the door, she opens it up and waits for Sephiroth to come back in* Thank you for getting food, Seph. I wouldn’t know what was edible at all if I went on my own. *shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: Half of its junk, so don’t worry mother. *walks into the room and shuts the door behind him, setting the bags of food down on the floor* He’s still sleeping? Are you sure he’s not sick? Wake him up or something later. Make sure his sleeping pattern matches ours, otherwise he’ll keep us awake at night and that would just be terrible. *pulls the bag of bread out of the shopping bags, then also takes out a jar of peanut butter* Is there a knife in this room at all?


    Jennah: He has been sleeping on and off all night, Seph. I bet he hasn’t slept that well when he was in the laboratories. So, it’s probably natural that he’s sleeping a lot now. *sighs* Still, he should probably grab a bite to eat.. *frowns in indecicion for a moment then gently nudges Ramiel’s shoulder* Hey, wake up boy. We have food for you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *walks out of the room again, looking for the dining room area of the hotel. He manages to locate a knife as well as some packets of butter, so he steals some and heads back to the room* I want to get a look at his tail. *sets the butter down near the bread and peanut butter, then walks over to peer at Ramiel* Hey, do what mom told you. *lightly shakes his shoulder* Wake up, baby brother.

    Ramiel: *makes an upset noise as he’s shaken and begins to stir. The noise slowly grows into a whimper, then he sits up, looking quite tired and bleary eyed* Mmmgh…


    Jennah: *pats the top of Ramiel’s head then gently nudges him off the bed* Go, eat. Seph was nice and gathered quite a bit of food for you. You’re probably starving by now. *looks down at Sephiroth* Go ahead, Seph, show him the food that you got him. I’m certain that will peak his interest.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *stares at Ramiel’s tail* You weren’t kidding about that… *reaches out to touch it, then slides back off the bed, moving away, heading back to his place on the floor where he was making peanut butter sandwiches* Yeah, come on and eat something. *opens the bag of bread and puts butter on them, adding peanut butter soon after* This isn’t that fancy but it’s good food anyway.

    Ramiel: *groans and rubs at his eyes, continuing his whimpering fussing noise. He didn’t want to be woken up and seems grouchy as Jennah nudges him. He makes a soft growling noise and tries to move away from her so he can curl up again*


    Jennah: *sighs at Seph* Perhaps some other type of food. *reaches over to pick Ramiel up, being gentle with him. Once she has him firmly in her grasp, she carries him over to the stash of food that Seph had brought over and sets him down* Come on now, boy. You need to eat. We can’t have you starve on us. *shakes her head* We want you to get healthy and strong.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: Some other type of food? Such as what? *takes a bite out of his sandwich and fumbles through the shopping bag. After a few minutes, he picks out a cup of ramen* How about this? Add hot water and eat. It’s good.

    Ramiel: *tries to squirm out of Jennah’s grip initially, then gets to his feet once he’s placed on the floor, heading for the window, wanting to look outside*


    Jennah: *frowns as she watches Ramiel and slowly shakes her head* Well, this is going no where fast… *shakes her head then walks over to the bag. She yanks it up then turns it over to spill the contents all over the floor. However, she only has it about an inch off the floor, so any glass containers would remain in tact. Once all the floor is out, she walks back over to Ramiel so that she can pick him up then plop him down on the ground in the middle of the food* Come on, boy. Eat.

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *makes a loud upset noise as he’s picked up and points at the window, looking up at her* I wan’too look out side! I don’want food. *growls at Jennah and gets to his feet again, then tries to move back towards the window*

    Seph: How can you not be hungry? *picks up a bag of cookies and opens them, then places them under Ramiel’s nose* It’s not healthy food, but here, eat it.


    Jennah: *deeply sighs and shakes her head* Well, there’s nothing much more I can do.. *moves toward the door* Seph, do your best to get your little brother to eat. I’m going to Midgar to get information and insure they remain on the wrong track. Also, don’t open this door no matter what. *walks out of the room. Before she leaves, she casts a spell on the door in order to set up a barrier spell around the room. Once that is done, she teleports into Midgar and appears within the ShinRa building. Not caring whether the security cameras catch her or not, she heads up to Hojo’s laboratory then breaks into his records storage room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *nods and watches her head towards the door* Yes, mother. I’ll make sure he doesn’t go anywhere. *finishes making his sandwich and cuts it up into bits, offering some to Ramiel* Here, eat this. It’s good.

    *The records room would have Ramiel’s entire medical and experimental history archived. It contains everything from whom his donor mother was, from the injections they performed on his foetus, and then dosages of Mako treatments, Jenova cells and synthesized blood components from Jennah afterwards. The rest of the documents contain observations and Ramiel’s behavioural patterns*


    Jenna: *flips through a some of the files, frowning as it mentions that they’ve been placing a synthesized version of her own blood into the boy* That makes no sense at all.. My blood ahs no mutagenic properties. *Snorts and shakes her head* Hojo’s a damn idiot anyway. *sighs then casts a spell to send all the records in the room into her subspace pocket* There, that should piss him off pretty well. *walks out of the room then attempts to sneak into Hojo’s office, intending to raid it next*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *is in the area of the lab currently, because he has decided to stop going home altogether. He is currently injecting himself up with a concoction containing mako energy liquid and Jenova’s cells. He leans against Jenova’s cryogenic tank as the liquids seep through his veins and he sinks to the floor, almost like a heroin addict whom is currently getting their high. He watches Jennah move to his office, but says nothing*


    Jennah: *stops infront of Hojo’s office as she notices the man slumped on the floor. She stares at him for a few seconds then shakes her head* Imbecil.. *sighs and walks into his office. Since she noticed that Hojo is all but comatose, she doesn’t bother rushing. So, she spends next to an hour raiding his office and taking nearly all of his research data. She also strips his computer of all of his personal notes and data. Once she is done, she steps out of the office and moves over to Hojo, intending to taunt the scientist*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *only vaguely focusses his eyes on Jennah as she moves about in his office. He makes a slurring noise as he tries to speak to her, giving up on it after a few tries. He raises his head and tries to focuss his bloodshot eyes on her as she moves over to him*


    Jennah: *glares down at Hojo for a few moments then kneels down infront of him. She holds her hand infront of his face then waves it back and forth* My, my, my. Someone here is turning their brain into mulch. *smirks and chuckles* Well, at least now you know what sort of pain you gave to your son. *loudly snorts at him but doesn’t bother to stand up, finding it fun to torment him by being just in reach*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *raises his hands up to his head and moves down into a foetal position, seeming to be in pain. Then suddenly, a large sharp uncoordinated shockwave is sent outwards from Hojo’s person, part of it smashing into the cryogenic chamber behind him*


    Jennah: *yelps in pain as she’s struck by the shockwave and stumbles back. It takes her a moment to recover, but she quickly gets up to her feet once she moves past the intial shock of the attack* Well, that was not something I expected from a simpleton like you. *snorts in irritation then moves over to Hojo once more and kicks him in the stomach* Perhaps I should follow Seph’s advice and kill you right here and now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *just quietly snickers at Jennah, reaching up to push the glasses back on his face. One of the lenses is missing. He flinches as he’s kicked in the stomach and lies down on his side, curling up into a foetal position. Then he resumes his snickering, grinning up at her* …worthless little wench… *places a hand on the cryogenic chamber behind him and tries to reach up for the release handle. His movements are very uncoordinated so he can’t reach it quite yet*


    Jennah: *growls at Hojo as she watches his hand move then loudly snorts at him* One would say that you are the worthless one, druggie. *narrows her eyes and casts a spell to melt the handle in place* Have fun trying to release your precious little alien. *kneels down infront of Hojo* Oh, by the way, you are a complete imbecil. My blood has absolutely no mutagenic properties.

    Kat Aclysm

    Hojo: *begins to snicker at her again, coughing, though he continues laughing. He very slowly rises above the floor as if levitating, then drifts towards her, reaching a hand out so he can touch her face with a delicate loving caress* No my friend… but you are something very special and unique… *his voice becomes darker and his amused expression turns vague. Whether he is in control of himself any more is uncertain* Your blood and Jenova’s cells has created the angel of hope. With your wings and her powers, he will be the one to grow and guide souls of the faithful into the Promised Land…

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