How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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    Jennah: *sighs in relief as the boy finally calms down and shakes her head at Sephiroth* Oh, I think you’re just being biased, Seph. You were quite timid when we first met. I bet if it wasn’t due to that other version of you being in your head at the time, you wouldn’t have easily accepted me at all. *wraps her arms around Seph’s shoulders and pull him closer* Still, when that one went away, you hid from me for several days and were extremely skittish. We just need to give this new boy time. *Frowns* I should try a few more healing spells, he still looks worse for wear..

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: He does look like a weakling, but I don’t think he’s about to die any time soon. Let him rest – sleep has good healing properties like your spells. And he needed sleep anyway. I wonder if he was sleep deprived in the lab. *tilts his head as he looks down at the boy* His hair is darker than mine.


    Jennah: I need not wake him to cast healing spell on him, Seph. You of all people should know at least that much. I’ve casted ones that work best while you sleep on you several a time. *hugs Sephiroth and gently kisses him on the cheek. Then she studies the boy’s hair* Yes, it is… Must be because my genes are in him.. Or maybe its the mother they used. I’m not certain if they replaced the genes in the egg they fertilized or not.. *shrugs then begins to cast a spell on Ramiel to help him heal some more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *broadly grins as he’s hugged* Oh, I suppose you’re right, mother. How many healing spells do you intend to cast on him though? *frowns* And where are we going to put him in your base? *pauses as he thinks* Yeah, steal their papers and find out his parents. I wanna know too.


    Jennah: *shrugs* I don’t know.. He seems much healthier than when I first got him. I’ll leave this one as the last one for now. It’s a strong long-term one that will work while he’s sleeping and restore him as much as my powers can. As for where we are going to put him, we could put him in with you. Or, if you want to keep your room, I’m certain I can use one of the other rooms that shoot off my room. That area was meant to have many personal areas for creatures to relax in silence when they wanted to. *moves to lie down, pulling Sephiroth down with her* Let’s just get some rest for tonight.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *grins and snuggles up against Jennah, then glances towards the doorway, making sure the door is properly locked shut and the light is off* Good night, mother. *hugs onto her arm, and begins to try and immitate Cairo’s purring noise* I just hope those people don’t come for us. It’ll take them a whole week to work out we’re here though I bet.


    Jennah: *nods at Sephiroth* Yes, you’re right. They’ll be looking within their own city for days before they figure out that we’re not there. *Grins* It’s a good thing that I knew about the tracking device this time around. It was foolish of me to have not checked when I first took you with me. At least I’m not repeating the same mistakes all over again.. Now, get some sleep, Seph. *glances over at Cairo and pats her thigh in order to invite the kitten up to lie ontop of them*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cairo: *leaps up towards the bed but doesn’t quite make it. She digs into the bed fabric with her claws and climbs up the rest of the way, stepping over the boys as she hops up onto Jennah’s thigh, curling up*

    Seph: Yeah, that stupid tracking device isn’t very helpful to us… and I am glad you destroyed it. *yawns and settles into a comfy position, then closes his eyes and begins to drift off to sleep*


    Jennah: *grins at Cairo’s near slip and reaches down to gently pat the kitten’s back* Looks like your kitten still has quite a bit of growing to do before she becomes a graceful hunter. Either that or she ate too much tonight… *her voice drifts off as she notices that Sephiroth is falling asleep* Well, that was fast. *leans over to kiss Sephy’s forehead then begins to drift asleep as well. It takes her nearly an hour to fall asleep, but she’s remain asleep til mid-morning given that none of the others in the room wake her before-hand*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *stirs during the night and gets up, hopping off the bed to explore the room. He finds the bathroom area after a few minutes, then spends some time climbing up onto the sink bench area so he can drink from the taps*

    Seph: *sleeps like a rock, and sprawls out on the bed during the course of the night*


    Jennah: *releases a soft moan at the sound of the running water and slowly cracks her eyes open* Seph.. is that you..? *as her eyes focus, she notices that Sephiroth is unceremoniously sprawled out all over the bed and shakes her head* Well, I guess not.. *yawns then slides off the bed, being careful not to disturb Sephy. Soon enough, she walks into the bathroom and looks down at Ramiel* Oh, it’s you. If you wanted water, we could have gotten you a glass.. *yawns once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *turns his head up to look up at Jennah, then makes a grunting noise and tilts his head back down to drink the water from the tap head. He sits down on the bench after he is finished and rinses off his hands, splashing cold water on his face* Mmm, no.


    Jennah: *sighs at him* You must know more than the word “no”, it may be an idea to start using that knowledge.. *looks down at the small boy* How old are you anyway? I haven’t had Sephiroth for that many years… so let me guess, four? Three? *reaches over to gently brush her hands through his hair*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *holds up three fingers on his right hand for a moment, then places both of his hands under the water again. He playfully bats at the stream of water coming from the tap and grins, then begins trying to splash it all over, on himself, the floor, and on Jennah*


    Jennah: *grins at him* Three, my that’s impressive. *pats the top of his head* Are you feeling dirty? I can give you a bath. *points to the bathtub* Or, we can sleep in for several more hours. *points to the bed* I’m certain your brother would enjoy sleeping in today. How about it, shall we go back to sleep, hm? *gives the boy a small grin*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *just silently watches Jennah for a few moments, then shakes his head and places his hands under the running water again to wash off his arms, then states in a very quiet, yet decisive voice* I c’n do it.


    Jennah: *Softly chuckles at Ramiel and shakes her head before reaching over to turn off the sink. Alright, you can do it, but there’s a better place for that. *picks up the boy then sets him in the tub* Go ahead and take off your clothing. *plugs up the drain then turns on the water so that it’d start to fill up*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *looks down at the water slowly filling the tub and makes a slight distressed sound, immediately diving for the edges so he can escape* Nmm… *makes a louder whining noise and raises one leg up as he tries to climb over the edge*


    Jennah: *sets her hand down on the boy’s shoulder and shakes her head* Shh… Calm down, it won’t hurt you. *gently takes his clothing off, using magic if the boy becomes too rambuncious, and nudges him into the water* See, it’s nice and warm. It’s not going to hurt you at all. *reaches over to caresses the side of his face*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *doesn’t seem to care a whit that Jennah has just removed his clothes. He holds onto the edge of the tub and glances down at the water, then he begins to stomp at it, his heels making loud thumping noises on the bottom of the tub as he does so. Then he steps back and sits down on his butt, occupying himself by blatting at the rising water’s surface with his hands*


    Jennah: *grins at Ramiel* See, I told you that it was much better. *grabs a small bar of soap and begins to gently rub it against the boy’s chest* Now, let’s make you all nice and clean, hm? I’m certain that you haven’t had a nice and relaxing bath since you were born. *does her best to massage the boy’s skin as she scrubs him clean*

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *makes a slight growling noise and grabs onto her hand, promptly jerking back from her as she tries to wash off his chest. Then he attempts to pry the soap out of her hands, wanting to do it for himself*


    Jennah: *softly chuckles* Alright, alright. As long as you get it right, you can clean yourself. *lets go of the soap and moves over to turn off the water, figuring that it is high enough* Do you like being away from Hojo and that mean old laboratory, boy?

    Kat Aclysm

    Ramiel: *takes the soap from Jennah and begins to clumsily wash himself off, splashing water around in the process. He looks up her and stops as she mentions Hojo, then he makes a very audible growl and punches the surface of the water* Hate Hojooo. Hate, hate hate! *growls and punches the water’s surface again, splashing a good amount out of the tub*

    Seph: *groans slightly as he hears the growling in the next room, woken up by the noise*


    Jennah: Well, I’m not Hojo. Both Sephiroth and I hate Hojo as well. *gently pats the top of the boy’s head* Do not worry, we are nothing like him and will treat you with respect. *doesn’t notice that Sephiroth has woken up and continues attending to the new boy. She reaches over to grab a small bottle of shampoo before pouring it on Ramiel’s head. Then, she begins to scrub the boy’s hair clean.*

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