How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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    Jennah: Oh, Seph is not that bad. He’s rambuncious at times, sure, but he’s not a bad boy in the least bit. *looks up as she hears the banging noise and echoes from the yelling* ~Seph, you’d better be behaving yoruself. If you can’t even behave yourself in here, I most definitely won’t take you into the ShinRa building. Understood?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”I’m behaving myself just fine, mother. It’s Aeris here who’s being annoying. She keeps bashing on the door and telling me to hurry up! Make her go down there or something… she’s annoying the hell out of me right now.”* *comes out of the bathroom after a few more minutes. He reaches down to pick up Cairo and heads down the stairs*

    Aeris: You take too long to do everything. Really, I am glad I’m not a boy. *giggles and runs past him, beating him to the bottom of the stairs. Then she runs back out into the kitchen area to eat her breakfast*


    Jennah: *smirks as she watches Sephiroth move down the stairs* ~Oh, but I think you need a bit of annoyance in your life. It’ll give you character.~ *soflty chuckles* ~The woman there made a human-food type of breakfast, if you are interested. I know it’s been forever and a day since you’ve had the chance to eat as most humans do… Though I can’t say that I’ve heard you say that you miss it..~ *shrugs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”What? She made human food?”* *seems vaguely interested as he wanders towards the table, baulking slightly at the smell of the fried eggs* Yuck, something smells like a dirty fart around here…

    Aeris: *breaks out into a peel of laughter at Seph’s comment*

    Elmyra: *looks mildly offended but doesn’t say anything* It’s on the table, children. Eat up. It’s probably half cold now.


    Jennah: *shakes her head at Seph’s comment, even though a small smirk forms on her lips* Seph, that’s not a very polite way to speak of someone’s cooking. *turns her gaze to Elmyra* Pardon the boy, he has a fascination with faltulence. I never quite understood why he finds such things so funny, but he does. *shrugs* It must be a male thing.

    Kat Aclysm

    Elmyra: Yes, it is. *sighs* Most young children seem to find it humorous for some reason, the males especially. Sometimes they do not grow out of it either. *picks up four smaller plates and places one down in front of Sephy and Aeris, then glances up at Jennah* How much would you like?

    Seph: *takes a seat at the table and glances down at the plate he’s been given* *”It’s definitely been a long time since I used one of these, mother…”*


    Jennah: *quickly shakes her head at Elmyra’s question* No, it’s alright. I am not much of a breakfast type of person. The children can use it much more than I can anyway. *waves her hand at Aeris, trying to suggest that the majority of it should go to the girl* ~Yes, it has been several years since you’ve had food in a restraunt or from ShinRa’s world-reknown cafeteria.~ *winks at Seph*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *helps himself to a serving of fried eggs and toast, then begins picking at it with his fork. He cuts off a piece of egg with his knife and stuffs it into his mouth, screwing his face up at the taste* *”This is really really salty… do I have to eat it to please them and be polite…? I think I’m going to barf.”* *cuts off another piece and flicks it under the table for Cairo to eat*


    Jennah: *Shrugs* ~If you don’t want to eat it, I can’t make you eat it, Seph. You know that I support your decisions no matter what. Well, that is unless they are utterly insane and stupid. Then I tell you that they are utterly insane and stupid then don’t let you go through with them.~ *glances down at Cairo* ~Does your cat need to relieve herself again by any chance?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”Probably…. break that spell and take her outside if you want. I think she already peed under that bed during the night though. I could smell cat urine in the room when I woke up.”* *grins in amusement. He picks up a slice of toast and munches through it, finding that more appetising than the eggs*


    Jennah: ~Very well then, Seph. I’ll be back in a bit.~ *shifts the epicenter of Cairo’s containment spell from Seph to herself then picks up the kitten. Once that is done, Jenna walks outside and sets Cairo down in the garden* Well, go ahead. Do whatever you need to do, cat. *sighs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *continues munching through the toast, speaking with his mouth full* This is pretty good… are ya goin’ ta’ make sum’more?

    Elmyra: *sighs at him* Swallow your food, young man. And yes, I’ll make more if you want it. I am glad you like it. *grins and walks over to the toaster to start some more toast going*

    Cairo: *begins to sniff in the garden once she is set down, seeming more interested in finding food in the dirt at the moment*


    Jennah: *glances to the house from time to time as she watches over Cairo. She’d prefer to remain at Seph’s side and watch over him incase something were to happen. However, she chooses to remain nearby Cairo in order to give the kitten a fair chance of being outside in this garden. Still, she maintains a vigil over the house in case of danger*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cairo: *begins bounding down the path, chasing a flying bug. She bangs into the edge of the proximity spell and sits down to recover. She begins preening her paws and closes her eyes*

    *there is movement in the area beyond the house, but not much worthy of note*


    Jennah: *Softly chuckles at the kitten then shakes her head* Well, looks like you’re done out here. Let’s go back to your owner, ok? *walks up behind Cairo then reaches down to pick up the cat. Once she has Cairo in hand, she walks back into the house and then sets Cairo down in Seph’s lap, returning the epicenter of the spell to Sephy*

    Kat Aclysm

    Elmyra: *looks bothered by Cairo’s prescence, and the fact Jennah’s bringing her into her kitchen* We don’t touch animals while we’re at the dinner table, dear. I don’t mind her being in my house, but it’s unhygenic to be patting an animal while eating.

    Seph: Phh… nonsense. She’s clean, look. *drops his toast onto the plate, then picks Cairo up, moving his head forward to lick the top of her head* I’m not gonna get any diseases. She’s a clean cat. Hell, she doesn’t even smell.


    Jennah: *faintly frowns at Elmyra’s words, but chooses to respect her wishes for now. So, Jennah picks up Cairo, prying the kitten out of Seph’s hands and gently sets her down on the floor* There, I hope that is adequate. *sits down in a free chair*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *pouts at Jennah, but quickly gives up and resumes eating his toast. When he is done with that, he gets to his feet and walks back over to Jennah, reaching out to try and take his kitten back* *”When are we leaving? I don’t want to be here any more. I don’t think either of them like us too much.”*


    Jennah: *nods at Sephiroth* ~Yes, we can leave soon. Have you decided whether you actually want to come with me or not? If you do come to the ShinRa building, we’re going to need to disguise you.~ *gives Aeris a curious glance*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *picks up Sephy’s plate once he abandons it, so she can eat the rest of his eggs*

    Seph: *”I told you, mom!”* *moves over to playfully shove her shoulder* *”I’m coming with you. I want to help kill Hojo. You’re the one who seems more worried about not letting me come along. Maybe because you’re just mean.”* *grins, amused*


    Jennah: *loudly sighs* ~Alright, but you’d best behave yourself.~ Stands up and politely bows to Elmyra* Thank you for allowing us to stay for this past night, but we must be going. There are things that we had planned to do. Thank you again.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *bows to Elmyra and heads for the door* Thank you for the food! *runs outside, mostly because he couldn’t be happier to leave*

    Elmyra: *slowly nods her head* Goodbye. I am glad that you enjoyed your stay. Good luck on your journeys.


    Jennah: *nods in acknowledgement to Elmyra’s words before she steps out of the house. From that point, she leads Seph into Sector Six, figuring the crowds in the slum’s wallstreet would give them adequate cover while they think* Alright, now, to find you an adequate disguise… *looks down at Seph, thinking*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *follows close behind Jennah through the slums area, almost leaning up against her as they walk into the Wall Market area* A disguise? What kind of disguise are you thinking of? Doesn’t matter how much you dress me up, they’re still going to guess it’s me from the eye colour and my hair.


    Jennah: Yes, I am aware of that, Seph. That is why, your hair will simply have to be changed for starters… Hmm.. *closes her eyes then casts a spell to temporarily change Seph’s hair from silver to a cherry blonde color. Once that is done, she casts an illusion spell so others would view his eyes as blue instead of green* There, that’s a start..

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