How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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  • #12664
    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *blinks* What answer..? What more is there to tell? *whimpers loudly, looking like she is going to cry. Then she turns and runs from the room*

    Seph: *grins in amusement and pokes Jennah back in her side, snickering at her* Of course I’m naughty. I am rebellious and argumentative. Get used to it, because I’m not changing for anybody.


    Jennah: *shrugs as she watches Aeris run away then waves her hand at Gast and Iflana in order to cancel out her summoning spell. However, even without the spell in place, they can linger around for a few minutes. Then, she turns her attention to Sephiroth* Yes, I know you are a defiant little brat. That has been obvious from the first day that I picked you up. *smirks then leans over to gently lick his cheek*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *giggles and tries to shove Jennah away again, broadly smirking in amusement* Mother!! Gross. *tries to squirm away from her* You scared the girl off. I don’t think she liked what you did.


    Jennah: What? I didn’t even say anything that disturbing. All I said was that if Gast didn’t want to tell her the answer, I would. *snuggles up against Seph’s side* That is not a cruel statement in the least. *begins to gently rub Seph’s side* But if you are so concerned about her being unhappy, go find her and speak to her about it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: No, I couldn’t be bothered. If she wants to walk off and whine to herself, that’s her problem. I want to stay here with you and sleep. I expect we’re leaving early tomorrow morning, right? I don’t want to oversleep, or go to ShinRa during a bad time.


    Jennah: *frowns in thought then shrugs* We’ll discuss our plans tomorrow. I’m not certain if I want to have you brought into that building in the middle of the day, when someone may realize that there’s some silver-haired child running around… But night security may be just as difficult.. *sighs* It’ll all be best if we sleep first then think.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: You mean you don’t want me to go into the building at all? *frowns, not happy with that news at all* But I wanted to help you out. I’m a competent fighter, I bet I could take some of those idiots on if you let me. *rests his head down on the pillow* I am tired though… sleep works for me.


    Jennah: *massages the back of Sephiroth’s neck* I don’t know at this time.. It’ll be risky if we do bring you inside that building.. *sighs* We’ll discuss it tomorrow morning when we’re rested and ready to think, ok? *snuggles up against the boy and closes her eyes* I don’t want to have you become a captive of ShinRa once more..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs, but slowly nods his head* Very well, mother… I want to come with you and help kick their butts into next week, but I don’t paticularly want to become a captive either… *snuggles up against Jennah and slowly drifts off to sleep*


    Jennah: *takes a bit longer to fall asleep. However, once she drifts to sleep, she remains in a deep and peaceful resting state. She doesn’t even experience one of her nightmares that she is usually prone to. Once 8 am passes by, Jenna is close to stirring and would wake at the slightest noise in the near-by vacinity*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *sleeps like a rock when he’s closeby to Jennah, as per usual. He curls up against her chest and stomach, cuddling her arm also. He would still be asleep by the time Jennah wakes up fully, and would probably need some rousing to wake up at all*


    Jennah: *softly groans and slowly opens up her right eye. For a few moments, she just lies there, staring at the wall, for she’s taking a bit to focus her eyes. However, once she fully wakes up and can see again, she attempts to sit upright only to find that Sephiroth is sleeping on her arm. Jenna grunts at the boy then gently nudges him* Hey, wake up. I need my arm back.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *groans, not wanting to wake up. He does however, let go of her arm so she can easily pull it out of his grip without disturbing him too much* Five more minutes, mom…


    Jennah: *blinks then allows herself a grin. She pats Seph’s head with her recently freed hand and nods* Very well, take all the time you need, Seph. *stands up and stretches. After a few moments of working out the kinks in her muscles, she steps out of the room and looks around. It takes her a few minutes, but she finally locates the bathroom where she takes care of her bodily needs. After fifteen minutes pass, Jenna is fully ready for the day. So, she walks downstairs and sits down at the living room table, deciding to wait for Sephiroth to wake up*

    Kat Aclysm

    Elmyra: *is busy downstairs, cooking a breakfast consisting of toast and eggs. When she is done with this, she places it all on a large serving plate, setting it down on the small table in the tiny kitchen and sighs* Aeris, dear. You can get out from under there now. Breakfast is ready.

    Aeris: I will, mother. *is underneath the small table in the tiny kitchen, busy drawing pictures on bits of paper with a set of crayons*

    Seph: *continues to sleep after Jennah moves away from him*


    Jennah: *scowls at the smell of the food, but doesn’t mention her distaste to Elmyra. Instead, she just silently sits down at the table then moves her foot to gently nudge Aeris* Hey, my son needs some assistance waking up. Why don’t you go see if he’s hungry, hm? *turns her attention to Elmyra* Thank you for allowing us to stay during the night.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *timidly looks up at Jennah* You want me to wake him up…? *slowly sneaks out from under the table and runs up the stairs*

    Elmyra: *sighs* Don’t mind her. She’s been acting funny ever since yesterday. She’s normally such a happy child too. *calls out after Aeris dissapears up the stairs* Hurry up Aeris, or your food will get cold!


    Jennah: *indifferently shrugs* I am not bothered by her recent attitude, Elmyra. *dismissively waves her hand* Children will be children, and they most definitely will have tons of mood swings until they finally stablize as an adult. *looks up at the general area where Seph is sleeping* ~Sephiroth, time to get up.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *groans as he’s shaken by Aeris, also trying to block out Jennah’s telepathic signal* *”No, I don’t want to get up…”* *tries to push Aeris away*

    Aeris: *pouts* Wake up, boy!! *shakes his shoulder, then grabs his arm and begins yanking him out of the bed*


    Jennah: *rolls her eyes at Seph’s statement* ~You can’t stay up there in bed all day long. Wake up in five seconds or that bed will colapse on you.~ *casts a spell to cancel out the air bubble that had supported the blanket. At first, Seph would feel a small waver in the stregnth of the “matress”. However, if he waits until the five seconds are up, the bed would just fall apart and he’d simply drop to the floor*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *groans and pulls against Aeris’s arm as he’s dragged along. After the five seconds is up, his butt thumps onto the floor, which would echo through the floorboards down to the lower level* Owww…. *hisses and stands up* That really hurt! *forces his eyes open and glares at Aeris*

    Aeris: Hey, don’t blame me, lazy head. *frowns* You’re the one who wouldn’t get up! Now hurry up, mother has cooked breakfast! *runs from the room*


    Jennah: *mischieviously grins at Seph’s yelling* ~Oh, be silent. I gave you more than enough warning. It is not my fault that you were stubborn and didn’t want to wake up when called for. Anyway, it was a small plummet. I am more than certain that you are not really injured in the least bit.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”Yeah yeah, my butt hurts.”* *grumbles to himself and walks out of the room, shutting himself in the nearby bathroom area*

    Aeris: *sighs and shakes her head. She notices that Cairo has been dragged out into the hall with Sephy’s movement, so he picks her up and tries to pat her*

    Elmyra: *glances upwards at the roof* Those kids… *sighs* Hurry up, Aeris! Your breakfast is going to be stone cold by the time you’re done up there!


    Jennah: *looks over at Elmyra* Oh, I’m certain they’ll be down here soon enough. It usually doesn’t take Seph that long to get ready for the day once he’s awake. It’s just a headache and a half to get him up for the day. *smirks* Boys just love sleeping in, especially that one.

    Kat Aclysm

    Elmyra: *grins as she places a kettle on the gas stove and shakes her head* Then it’s a good thing I don’t have a boy. I’ve seen some of those neighbourhood boys that Aeris likes to play with, they’re not very nice at all sometimes.

    Aeris: *bangs her knuckles on the bathroom door* Hurry up in there, slowcoach! What are you doing in there?

    Seph: *yells back at her* God, what do you think? Leave me alone!!

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