Re: Re: The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God Re: Re: The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

Kat Aclysm

Jenova: *just remains with Sephiroth tightly coiled in her grips. He makes the occaisonal weak grunt and struggles every now and again, but Jenova is quick to coil a tentacle around his head, sealing him within his mind, shutting him up and turning the body quiet again* *”What… are you doing, my child?”* *lightly pokes Kadaj’s cheek, sensing his emotions*

Loz: *winces, looking repulsed* The white box in the kitchen had pizza… I want that.