Re: Re: The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God Re: Re: The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God


Yazoo: *not overly bothered by Loz’s words at all* Very well, then nap. *he looks around then finds a few dried up roots. He then charges up a fire spell before setting the roots aflame* You can use those to warm up.

Kadaj: *looks up at Jenova and nods* Yes, Mother. I promise that I’ll always be by your side. No matter what our traitor Big Brother wants. *he grins at her* He forgot all about you because of another Jen.