Re: Re: The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God Re: Re: The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

Kat Aclysm

Loz: *is not so happy now that he has to haul Sephiroth along with him. He is rather tired out by the time they fly back to the Northern Caves, and is happy to be rid of Sephy. After Yazoo drops his half, Loz is quick to drop his* He bled on me.. that’s no fun.

Jenova: *scurries over Sephiroth, pawing at his wounds* *”Good…”* *purrs* *”….damaged… but good…”* *tries to manipulate Kadaj’s mind, also trying to activate the pleasure sensors in his mind* *”You did… well…”* *wraps her tentacles around her prize and drags Sephy back into her cave* *”We rest now… recover. We grow strong and conquer.”*