Re: Re: The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God Re: Re: The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God


Jenna: *gathers up some energy. She then teleports so that she reappears next to Jenova, trying to keep her from escaping with Sephiroth. She then spreads open her wings to help stabilize her balance some more* I said.. give me back my.. mate. *she snarls, doing her best to ignore the pain in her sides*

Kadaj: *narrows his eyes* Sephiroth was supposed to subdue her. *crosses his arms, not really wanting to help Sephiroth that much at the moment*