Re: Re: The Nemesari: Past lost hope

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari The Nemesari: Past lost hope Re: Re: The Nemesari: Past lost hope

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth nodded in agreement. “I was planning to wait until we got to our new strong-hold. But during the day, if you like, I can barter away my grain for some proper carry-sacks for the eggs.” He grunted in thought. “It would certainly make the journey easier.”

He picked up his coat and put it on. “I didn’t boil water before we packed up….” He glanced down at the river water, a deep frown on his features. While he could risk filling up his water flagon with unsterilized water, he did not want to risk ingesting any waterborne pathogens.