Re: Re: The Nemesari: Past lost hope

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari The Nemesari: Past lost hope Re: Re: The Nemesari: Past lost hope

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth nodded his head. “I’ll be more careful. But I’m fine.” He waved his arms slightly as if to prove it. “See?” Within seconds he had picked up his plate to wolf down more of the food.

He didn’t know if his body was working overtime because of the repairs it had done of it it was something else… but he was HUNGRY. He finished his portion of fish with haste and picked up a second piece to eat with the same amount of enthusiasm.

*”Do you know where we are heading today?”* He asked telepathically as he chewed, his mouth full of fish.