Re: Re: Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Sephy and Jenna – Relocation Re: Re: Sephy and Jenna – Relocation


Dimitri: *pouts and moves closer to Seph. He then sets his hands down on Seph’s left thigh* Wanna play wit fatha. Screen thane show that fathas suppose to play wit son. *quivers his wings slightly* Wanna be lie tha.

Seres: *rolls her eyes* Wanna be lie everythane on screen. *she sticks her tongue out at Dimitri* Dim-dim!

Seferia: *completely unphased* That is nice. I protect people too. Now, leave me be.

Vincent: *looks over at Aeris* Is that one really from another world?