Re: Re: Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Sephy and Jenna – Relocation Re: Re: Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: Zach seems to think he knows more than me about first-aid and remedies. *glares at him* Just because you read a few books, it does not make you an expert in the matter. I have trained under proper officers who taught me the essentials for that sort of thing.

Zach: Phh, but that’s basic military stuff, I’m sure. *scowls* And I’ve done more than read ‘just a few books’… *moves over to Jenna and crouches down beside her* How are you feeling? *reaches out to pat the dragon on the head* Can you tell if it’s a male or a female?

Cancer: *mutters* It’s fine…