Re: Re: Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Sephy and Jenna – Relocation Re: Re: Sephy and Jenna – Relocation

Kat Aclysm

Aeris: You… what happened to Sephy? Why did you want us to take care of him?! Don’t you want him any more…? And after all that happened with you and him… *hands the infant off to Cloud and crouches down beside Sephiros to look him over, looking quite relieved* This… this doesn’t look or sense out like the Sephy that’s grown so attached to you.

Cloud: I don’t really care for your opinion! Homes are pointless but you’re in your own one now. I miss Tifa and all my real friends. My only friend here is Aeris, and once we step out of this room, we get nothing but contempt. I don’t want to be here. I don’t know why you’re still keeping us around here when that other Sephiroth idiot says you can send us back any time you feel like it.