Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Objection! You do not have the right to be a god Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god

Kat Aclysm

Edgeworth glared at the window as he heard the sound of the motorcycle driving away. With a shake of his head, and his brows deeply furrowed, he began to mutter in an irritated tone.

“That motorcycle really should have a proper muffler on it…” He grumbled, “That thing should be booked by the police and taken in until it is modified enough so that it is legal. Right now it breaches multiple pollution standards.”

He sighed and shook his head again. “I tried to get along with her, Dimitri. She took an instant disliking to me the moment she met me. You’re going to have to take that up with her, not me.”

Edgeworth crossed his arms across his chest once again. “So are you going to go out and chase her?”