Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Objection! You do not have the right to be a god Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god

Kat Aclysm

Edgeworth gave Seres a very hard pointed glare. “Perhaps they are not fashionable where you come from, but where I came from, they were very dignified and made one look honorable.” He waved a finger at her. “And my statement has nothing to do with being fashionable – it is about your safety. Next time, wear your personal protection equipment.”

He gave Dimitri a sideway glance before making his next statement. “Also, I never knew you had a motorcycle licence. I was never informed of it.”