Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Objection! You do not have the right to be a god Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god


Jenna’s eyes widened momentarily as Sephiroth actually took a hold of her blade. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t be able to overpower him, for the male was indeed stronger than her. That was even more true for the moment, for the brunette was feeling winded already from what little she had done already.

So, while for an average human, it may look like Jenna was responding with speed and grace, she was just that split second too slow to prevent herself from being tripped by the Silver General.

A grunt of frustration escaped her lips as Jenna’s back collided with the ground. A scowl formed on her lips, though she was frustrated at her own performance and cared little for the fact that her husband had defeated her.