Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Objection! You do not have the right to be a god Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth stepped ahead of his partner and a small amused grin crossed his face as she materialised a weapon in her hands.

“The firearms and the traditional weapons training are equally as important as each other.” He inclined his head slightly and made a soft mocking gesture at her. “Did you not know this? Their personal accuracy with such weapons has no factor on how important it is. In fact, it weeds out the hopeless ones faster.”

He moved to the weapons rack nearby and picked up his sword. He casually moved it to the ready and began to teasingly run a couple of gloved leather fingers down the length of the curved blade. “However, what you did. That was just showing off. You wish for proper armed combat?” He mockingly frowned and made an very over-exaggerated sigh. “So much for my training and education session.”

He delicately shifted stances in a slow and deliberate fashion, graceful. The silver haired male finally moved at the ready position, locking his attention on her. The small cocky amused grin returned to his face.

“Again,” He purred the words out, “Ladies first.”