Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Objection! You do not have the right to be a god Re: Re: Objection! You do not have the right to be a god


Jenna delayed for a few moments in order to continue watching the men that were practicing with swords. As she watched then,s he narrowed her eyes before muttering, “I doubt they can hit the blind side of a bus with firearms either. Hrmph..”

Shaking her head, she noticed that Sephiroth had continued on. So, she strolled over to him, though she made a point of making it look like she was in no hurry. As she reached the room, the sorceress gave her husband a coy smirk.

“My, I suppose I can survive putting up a show for mere humans. Not that they deserve it,” she ran her toungue over her canines as she finished her sentence. Soon after, she reached up to stretch before she materialized a jian into her right hand. “However, I must insist on not wasting time with pathetic wooden weapons.”