Re: Re: Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too.

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Noemiverse Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too. Re: Re: Noemi/Sephiroth A/U – Sephiroth joins the academy too.


Clawina: *glances at the shaman for a brief moment before softly speaking* Commoner.

Seferia: *coldly turns her attention to the shaman* That is a shuttle of the aurora class. The fact that your town is scared is of little concern. We have no control out of that. Now, leave our ship be. We will still need it for transport once we are done here. *with that, she begins to move forward to the town, leading the way this time in order to protect her queen*