Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero


Jenna nodded at Sephiroth’s words, feeling more than content that she got him to acknowledge the usefulness of the option. However, she had little more to comment on, so she just moved up behind him again before she resumed massaging his neck.

“You better not tell me that you permitted your previous assistants to do this,” Jenna darkly stated.

~He agreed because Seres is about to entire combat. He’s afraid for her safety, so I explained to him that he should give her the option of improving her abilities. It seems that he’d rather have the process regulated by ShinRa than have it on the black market anyway.~