Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

Kat Aclysm

While the noise had finished, Sephiroth was not any more confident about going out there than he had been. He remained in his office and kept his head down, the fact that his work-space had been invaded by his personal life really bothering him.

He reached over to push on the intercom button, then quickly took it off again, realizing that if he paged his secretary, it would be Jenna, and she wouldn’t get what he wanted anyway.

A tired sigh escaped him. He didn’t want to be there any more now that his comfort zone was broken.