Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

Kat Aclysm

The elder blood-elf glared at the packet of seeds, opening a drawer beside him to take out a jeweller’s loupe. He dipped a finger into the bag of seeds to pluck one up, inspecting it for about half a minute, hissing.

“What’s so great about this rare plant?” He dropped the seed back into the bag. “And what makes you think it’s rare?” He growled. “The vials are hard to come by. Only a skilled person can make them flawless. That one alone is worth 1500 gold pieces. It shouldn’t even be on the counter right now.”

Kalysto was fast losing his patience. He turned his head away and growled, tucking his hands into the pockets of his robe. Anything to keep them distracted. Right now he very much felt like setting fire to the whole building.