Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

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Seferia gave the mage a rather wicked looking glare. She never really cared much for the lower beings such as the elves. However, she had grown to like Kalysto, to a point. So, she could stand and tolerate his existence. The rest were simply nuances.

“Hrmph, if only he were doing that,” the disguised dragon stated. “He’s been getting action from a human female. A weird one, but still a human female.”

She moved closer to Kalysto and sniffed him. “Hrmph, yes, still is. Human scent is all over him.”

Noemi grinned at the General before she nodded. “Yes, your advice is very good indeed. I should be more careful.”

She then stood up so that she could escort the General back to her quarters. As she left, she informed the host to put any charges to her tab.