Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

Kat Aclysm

Kalysto just shook his head as he rode his Dreadsteed off to the North, pondering the best route he needed to take to where he intended to go. “So I can talk to you like this, right? Or can you not hear me?”

He grinned. *”Which way is better? I don’t want to look like I’m talking to myself. Talking to demons that other people can’t see is bad enough… but chatting with people that simply aren’t there? Yeah, you can see the problem…”*

General Sephiroth shrugged. “Maybe they did it that way so the others around me who do drink don’t suspect anything… Zack has commented many times on how cheap of a drunk I am…”