Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: I want to be a hero

Kat Aclysm

“Yeah yeah, I’m on it.” Sub Lt Kalysto laughed. “Don’t worry about it, I was just seeing what it could do.” He paused, quiet for a few moments. “Hey nice. You can see his vitals and things in percents. Heartrate, 67 beats per minute. Temperature, 97.9°F. Oxygen saturation, 96%. You can even see stuff you don’t need to know about…”

He worked most of the way through the night, stopping only to get coffee and food. When the sun was properly above the horizon to begin the morning, he was finally finished. He withdrew the intrusion programs from the General’s mind and left him to rest properly.