Re: Re: JennaxSephiroth: Edge of Justice

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Kat Aclysm

Zach: Oh yeah, if it’s so unimportant, then where did you go? What were you so busy with that you couldn’t even deal with Dimitri being shattered? How do you explain the blood? Can you explain where you went and why you’re like that? Can you? *folds his arms, glaring down at her, partially hurt that he got blown off before, as well as genuinely unhappy*

Milena: *begins to quieten down, but then aggressively kicks out at Kalysto’s seat, growling at him*

Kalysto: But she’s screaming for no good reason. *glares back at Milena again* Do you want me to drag you out and smack you on the butt? Because you are SO asking for it right now, young lady. Now sit there and be quiet! *stares ahead at the dragon once the car has stopped* What the fuck?