Re: Re: Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness. Re: Re: Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

Kat Aclysm

Matthias: *flicks an ear at her* Oh so you think I have no honor? What do you think all of that was about? Just because I have nothing left, it does not mean I am going to commit the ultimate selfish act. *turns his head away, folding his arms* This place smells of rat droppings. And I’m supposed to keep my family here?

Milena: *leads Kalysto into the shed, then sits down* Come here, my love. *cuddles her arms around him as she sits down*

Kalysto: *loudly whimpers* I want to go home… I’m hungry. *glares at the fading light outside* Are we ever going to be able to go back…? *begins to cry all over again*