Re: Re: Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness. Re: Re: Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

Kat Aclysm

Matthias: The prince? *glances at his family, then at Seferia, considering the situation. Considering the fact he is already probably going to face exile, he glares, figuring he might as well say what’s on his mind* That insignificant spoiled brat? Who cares where he is? I serve the King, and the King only. His spoiled whining no-good offspring can die in the battle that rages our homeland for all I care. *sits heavily on the grass, burying his face in his hands as he feels the destruction of the Sunwell in his entire being*

Kalysto: *his eyes widen and he curls up sharply, feeling pain inside of him at the destruction of the Sunwell* What IS that!?