Re: Re: Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness. Re: Re: Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

Kat Aclysm

Gor’chek: “Whuh, did you see that? Girl turn into human. Not pixie elf no more. Was very wierd. Weird like your face, Zulmire.” *begins his loud raucous laughing again* “Girleh, you da funniest thing Gor’chek ever see!” *reaches over to slap her shoulder, laughing louder*

Zulmire: *mutters angrily in Common* Oh shut ‘de hell up… *grunts at Desiree* So? What are yer doin’ here now? You scared ‘da hell outta my wolf when you did your Astral teleportation, pixie. I didn’t even fink you’s were capable of that.

Kalysto: *lightly coughs, then tries to sit up, flicking some of the herbal leaves off himself* Wh…. where am I…? *sleepily blinks, looking around* I’m thirsty…