Re: Re: Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness. Re: Re: Jenna, Sephiroth, etc: With the light comes the darkness.

Kat Aclysm

Zulmire: *snaps his eyes open as he hears the screaming, then growls* Oh hell no. Not you again. *sighs* Shhh! What the hell d’ya want, ya damn pixie?

*meanwhile an Orc looks at Desiree and begins to laugh, speaking in a rough voice, chattering in his native tongue* “She came outta nowhere. Gor’chek no likes pixies either, Zulmire. Dey smell of poo.”

Zulmire: *waves a hand at the Orc* “Yeah, yeah, shut up. She’ll be gone again soon.” *points to the door* Geh’ out.