Re: Re: Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four Re: Re: Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

Kat Aclysm

*”What does it look like I’m doing? I’m making tea. If you drink this potion on it’s own, it’s harsh and bitter flavour will make you pretty unhappy.”* Kalysto flicked an ear. *”And then he’s going to throw it at the wall, considering how pissed he is.”*

He carried the tea cup out towards his brother and offered it to him, grinning. “Drink this. You’ll feel better.”

Rhyderi was suspicious, but not impulsive enough to reject Kalysto’s tea. He began to sip on the warm cup of liquid, slowly relaxing. After another few moments, he went completely limp and the tea cup in his hand bounced onto the floor, smashing.

“Faster than I thought… needed less spring-grass…” Kalysto hummed in thought.