Re: Re: Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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Jenna kept her attention on Kalysto as she listened to him. “So, you just want to make the potion work temporarily and keep it stable? That is what you’re saying? Hm… Perhaps combining your potion with an amulet of some sort? Most potions can be done that way. You’d just need to refresh the amulet over time, since it will lose potency.”

Seres frowned at Rhyderi’s claims that his clothes don’t have holes in them. So, she slowly walked up to Rhyderi as he spoke before she suddenly knelt down and stuck her pointer finger into a hole in the upper thigh of his pants. “This looks like a hole to me, huh.”

“And I don’t see what there is to laugh about considering your food likes and dislikes. They sound rather rational to me.”

As she finished speaking, she stuck her finger into another hold on the other leg near Rhyderi’s knee.