Re: Re: Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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Desiree scowled in thought as she considered the possibilities. After a moment, she furiuosly shook her head. “No, if I’m only a male for an hour or so, it shouldn’t affect that… We might as well start now. I don’t want to… prolong my dread on this matter, Kalysto. Anyway, I suppose I could teach you about nursing… If that’s what you want.”

Seres yawned as she flipped channels. When the phone call came, she tilted her head, but ignored it. For the most part, she couldn’t care less about who wanted to call Rhyderi. In fact, the call sounded rather boring. So, she simply decided to relax on the couch.

By the time that Rhyderi returned, the girl was lightly snoring.