Re: Re: Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four Re: Re: Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

Kat Aclysm

“What part of ‘I may need surgery’ did you not understand? Perhaps you missed the paid leave part? Dislocated shoulder? Medical report? Oh…” He made an abrupt sound expressing his exasperation. “Oh why am I even bothering?”

He picked up the remote control and flipped the cartoon channel back on. “I can’t see why you approve of stubble and an untidy goatee. I really should have bothered to fix it.”

“Well, next time… as in, when they wake again, it’s your job.” He picked up the pen again and clicked the end. “I need to have this handed in by tomorrow morning.”