Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

Kat Aclysm

Zach sighed. “Maybe… I’m not a scientist though. I’m just your average… I don’t even know what to call it. You’re talking about guys with degrees. With doctorates, with college and university qualifications and fellowships and years of training. All I got is… a bunch of dead guy’s papers. See the problem?”

He shrugged. “I would need to pioneer something, rather than wander in their footsteps. And medicine doesn’t often appreciate that. I’ve worked on Jenova-cell stuff, but… well to be honest, I’ve already been accused of being unethical.”