Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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Desiree groaned before she set her face in her right palm. After a moment, she spoke in a muffled tone, because she was keeping her head buried in her palm, “No, no. Not that! I meant you are to demons as the feline queen is to humans. No tolerance whatsoever. Condemnation by the fact that they are what they are. It matters not what the personality is, they all must be blank, and thus they all deserve condemnation.”

“So you think I’m going to be hurt left and right?! That’s what this is about! You are being unreasonable. You do know that I’m in the army. Soldiers get shot! Get over it, Father!” Seres continued to scream before she kicked Sephiroth’s favorite reading chair.

“I doubt I can learn anything from that tin can. I’d be schooling him, not the other way around.”