Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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“Of course I’m not authorized to go there. They aren’t supposed to be accessable at all. That silly elf has been taking his time,” Seres complained. “It’s been months now, and this is all that he and his brother have managed to do? It’s really pathetic.”

Seres turned her head to glare at Rhyderi. “And you should put some priority into sleeping, A well-rested soldier is a faster, more reactive, and more intelligent soldier. You are doing no one any favors by skipping on sleep and overworking yourself.”

Desiree continued to control her breathing in order to restrain her pain. When Milena came up to her position, the young woman gave her daughter a grin. “It’s ok, Milena. Remember when your brother was born. It’s like that again. Just that. Everything will be great in a few hours. You’ll see.”