Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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Lezprah released a rumble of content as the “lower-class” demon offered food to him. So, he reached in to take the bone before he began to gnaw on the bone so that he could get to the marrow inside.

Meanwhile, Orpheus slowly nodded his head. Still, he cast one of the healing spells that he had learned from his uncle in order to help him feel better. “Lezzy should no play rough with you. Not nice.”

“I told you that it wouldn’t be to your liking, Kalysto. Now, come on over and sit down. No one’s going to bite you if you sit down,” Desiree called out to her husband. However, she didn’t get herself worked enough to stop eating. The food was delicious, so she continued dining.

“So, father. Have you thought of names for the triplets yet?”