Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth: Tamed Demon Lord

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“Mmm… that might be sexy,” Jenna teased Sephiroth, for she was none to scared of the idea of Sephiroth going genocidal again. After all, for all standard definitions, she was alien to his planet, hence not a “traitor”.

Thus, the woman leaned in to lick the side of Sephiroth’s neck. “Do I get to be your queen if you kill everyone and become a god?”

Meanwhile, Dimitri yelped as the pills landed in his lap, for he wasn’t expecting it at all. However, his momentary surprise and discomfort soon made way for relief as he heard that he could go home. However, like a roller coaster, his mood plummeted as he heard that his clothes were burned.

“Burned? Really…,” the boy muttered as he lowered his head and sighed. “Brother, can you run home and get clothes for me?”