Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth: Tamed Demon Lord

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna and Sephiroth: Tamed Demon Lord Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth: Tamed Demon Lord


Seres allowed a grin to appear on her lips as Sephiroth gave her the blanket. She then gripped onto it before she curled up into the blanket. She then looked at Sephiroth out of the corner of her eye, which was currently blood-shot.

“I can’t turn back now, Father. Anyway… it’s fine. I can handle it. I think they found a mako vein a few weeks ago too..”

Meanwhile, Jenna leaned over to watch Sephiroth give Seres the comforter. After a moment, she pushed herself off the wall before she moved to stand behind Sephiroth. Once in position, she moved to gently massage the back of her mate’s neck.