Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth: Azure dreams

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Jenna and Sephiroth: Azure dreams Re: Re: Jenna and Sephiroth: Azure dreams

Kat Aclysm

Kalysto: That’s about the only thing she still does… holy shit, that thing looks like it could tear my arm off like a twig. *pauses, thinking* Send her back to the Nether. I want to see what would happen. *frowns* It could either go two ways – they would either eat her and end up with a shit load of energy. Or… she would eat everything and keep getting bigger.

Mahret: *snaps her jaws at Kalysto, then curls up, grinning* *”Eat everything and get bigger sound good.”*

Droozun: *flattens himself against the bed, hiding*