Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: A new addition, Chimera

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Main RP Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: A new addition, Chimera Reply To: Sephiroth and Jenna’s main story: A new addition, Chimera

Kat Aclysm

Sephiroth: *growls at Jenna as he is shaken, grasping onto her hands, looking her firmly in the eyes* Calm down. I did not know it was going to be an egg, so do not look at me. It’s alright. We can keep it warm and hatch it. It won’t be a problem.

Zack: *quickly wheels the crib into the room, banging the front left wheel on the doorway before he finally gets it inside. In the corridor, one would be able to hear the loud angry and boisterous cry of the male infant who’s rest was interrupted so Zack could steal the crib. Very soon after, another loud cry begins as the other male is woken up by the noises of his brother* Here, but you’re going to need another one quicksmart. You’re going to have all of them yelling soon.