Reply To: The past of Jenna – The Breakdown

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Jenna: *broadly grins as she watches her two targets collapse onto the ground and begins to softly hum. The tune is a song that she had once heard when passing a church, so it sounds somewhat morbid. As she continues to hum, she strolls over to both Aeris and Sephy and uses her magic to lift them up into the air* Yes, let’s play. Much fun is to be had with you two. *chuckles then casts a spell on herself to make herself fly into the air, carrying along Seph and Aeris.*

*Once she is up above the club, she smirks and looks down at it* Goodbye dirt. Hello, red. *giggles then begins to softly hum again. However, this time she is humming a tune that goes along with a death spell. Soon after Jenna begins to hum, the buildings around the club start to rust and collapse while the people on the street grap onto their ears and collapse. Most of these people have their internal organs rot or implode, so they die not long after the spell is cast, however there are a few lucky ones that manage to survive, though most are heavily maimed.*

*Once the destruction has been wrought upon that part of the town, Jenna teleports, soon appearing ontop of the tallest building in the city. She spots a spire which is commonly used as a radio transmitter. Then, the woman chooses to attatch Sephiroth and Aeris to it by pressing them against the metal then manipulating it so that their hands sink down into it. Finally, Jenna walks up to Sephiroth and leans up to kiss him on the lips* Wakey, wakey, little boy.