Reply To: The past of Jenna – Conception and birth

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum Visions of the Past The past of Jenna – Conception and birth Reply To: The past of Jenna – Conception and birth

Kat Aclysm

Zack: *has since sailed the boat many miles away from the dock and sits down on the edge of the boat, just glancing up at the sky. He uses some of the available fishing equipment onboard to catch edible freshwater fish throughout the course of the day. He guts them and hangs them up to bleed out, remaining on the upper deck until the nightime shifts in. He frowns as he hears Maria calling out, and goes below deck to move to her side* Shh, you can go back to her soon. *reaches out to very gently pat Maria on the shoulder, not wanting to frighten her*